Winston Hills Community News – 24th May 2017


Genesis – The Origins of Everything


This Sunday will be our final study in the Origins of Everything from Genesis for the moment. We will return to consider the rest of Genesis in the coming years. As we read Genesis 20-22 (and please do this before Sunday!), we notice there are numerous narratives about Abraham’s life after God’s horrific and just judgement on the towns of the plains (Genesis 19). Abraham falls back into his old ways, being deceptive out of fear for his life (Genesis 20). With the birth of Isaac, Abraham faces the challenge of dealing with tensions between family members (Genesis 21). And to top it all off, God challenges Abraham to sacrifice his only son (Genesis 22).

What is God teaching Abraham (and us) through these narratives? What does it look like to life by faith in God’s promises?


28.05   Powerful Faith in Powerful Promises (Genesis 19-22) – Communion gathering

04.06   New Series: Truths Worth Dying For – Faith Alone

11.06   Truths Worth Dying For – Grace Alone

18.06   Truths Worth Dying For – Christ Alone

25.06 Truths Worth Dying For – Scripture Alone

Kid’s Ministry Volunteer Forms

Could everyone who received a children’s ministry volunteer form return them completed to Nicole Henderson as soon as possible.

State of Origin Gathering – Wednesday 31st May

State of Origin 2017

Parish Prayer Night

Please join us at the Thomas Street building on Thursday 1st June to pray for our church.

Winston Hills Winter Family Picnic

We are gathering at Renolds Park (Chanel St, Old Toongabbie) on Sunday 11th June from 1:30pm for a BBQ picnic and games. All welcome.

WHAC Picnic

Ministry Training

During the first half of the year, we’ve planned a series of training days for all congregations. The goal is to know what we’re doing, how we’re doing it and make sure we’re serving to the best of our growing abilities. Those expected to be involved will be invited and information about these events will be made available closer to the events.

Sun 4th June – Prayers Training afternoon

Sun 6th Aug – Bible Readers Training afternoon

Sun 3rd Sept – Sharing your Testimony training afternoon (with optional follow-up training on Sun 10th Sept)

Memory Verse of the Month

If we say, “We have no sin,”  we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive  us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:8-9 (HCSB)

Northmead Winter Appeal


Thank you to everyone for being extremely generous towards Anglicare. A big thanks to those who knocked on doors and spoke with people outside the Northmead IGA and in Winston Hills Mall. We pray that Anglicare may use all the groceries, blankets, clothes and items we gathered for them to talk about Jesus with people who are poor, destitute and in need.

Approximately 400 Thank-you Packs were given to people in our community. Pray that they may read the information about Anglicare and ourselves, and most importantly that they will read the Two Ways to Live gospel tract!




Stretch Night – Tonight!

Slide1This month’s Stretch night on Wednesday 24th May (tonight!) with be on the Sacraments, particularly Holy Communion. What are the Sacraments? What is happening when we share some bread and wine (aka grape juice) together or wash someone? What is Scripture describing or prescribing for us?

Location: Thomas Street building

Time: 7:30pm

This Sunday we will be expressing our understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ on Sunday 28th May.

Working Bee – Dig, Dig, Hammer, Saw (literally)


Painting the inside of the church building; morning tea; fixing office building gutters; coffee break; moving a shed (or putting a new floor in it); morning tea; meet and smell people from other congregations; coffee break; gardening; painting; grab another coffee and muffin; shifting mulch into the garden beds; more painting the inside of the church building; chatting with other members of our church; pulling weeds; and then watching the paint dry.

These are some of the things that are happening during our working bee – Saturday 3rd June. If you have particular skills (e.g. painting), then please let Sharon in the church office know.

EQUIP Conference

EQUIP is an annual conference for women. This year it will be a day of learning and sharing and growing, as they explore the treasures in God’s word and what it looks like to follow Jesus in everyday life.

For more information, please speak with Rochelle or Sharon.


Marriage Weekend Away

What is the alternative to enriching your marriage other than our Marriage Weekend Away? Hearitol! (Please note the warnings at the end of the video – for a real long term solution to communication issues in marriages, we recommend our Marriage Weekend Away)

Our Marriage Weekend Away from 23rd-25th June at The Retreat at Wiseman’s Ferry will be a great opportunity to remind yourselves of God’s purposes for your marriage and to re-equip your marriage to deal with such conflict situations.

To register, please grab a brochure from the back of the church. Please return complete forms as soon as possible. Registration closes on 9th June. Payment plans are available.

For more information please contact Mark or Sharon in the office.

Winston Hills Weekend Away – Block out the dates today!

1967-500The new dates for our Winston Hills Anglican Church weekend away are Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd October at Kiah Ridge Christian Centre. Please block the dates out now in your diary so that you don’t double book!

Eddie and Dave W are spearheading the team to organise our weekend away. They want your input! If you could fill in this extremely short survey, it will help them plan for our time away together.

KidsQuest 2017


As per the last few years, KidsQuest has been an extremely fruitful opportunity to tell children the news of salvation through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Why not start considering how your children might invite their school friends along to this fun week.

You can register your children for KidsQuest on the Northmead Anglican Churches’ website.

Please contact Jacquie if you are able to help during the week with looking after kids, morning tea, rego, organising games, making lunches for the team, skits, giving talks, organising craft, chatting with parents, running the coffee cart, prayer or any other helpful acts of service for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Ministry Opportunities

Parramatta Family & Local Court Support Group Inc

Over thirty years ago a volunteer service began at the Family and Local Courts in Parramatta, in reaction to a lack of support and positivity in places that both sought to resolve family disputes and misdemeanours of the law. An interdenominational group was formed from local churches in the area, to lend an ear, and a smiling face, and a hand of kindness by way of a cup of tea and a biscuit to those attending the Family Court and the local Court. The support group are seeking the help of people who might like to be a Rostered Volunteer about three hours a month for serving tea and coffee at either or both of the courts. Choice of day or week of the month is available ie. 3rd  Tuesday. Time is usually between 9am and 12.30pm. For more information, please contact Robyn Druitt (member of FIVE congregation) or call Margaret Wigmore on Ph: (02) 9871 8492, mobile 0407 436 642 or email at

Winston Hills Wednesdays Women’s Gospel Team

The Gospel Teams for the Winston Hills women’s groups require a few people to assist care for the children while the mothers meet together. If you are able to join the roster (usually a fortnightly commitment), please speak with Rochelle or Amber.

Dates for your Diary

May 2017

June 2017

  • Thurs 1 – Parish Prayer Night
  • Sat 3 – Working Bee
  • Sun 4 – Prayers training
  • Sun 11 – WHAC Lunch
  • Sat 17 – Missionary Prayer Breakfast
  • Fri 23- Sun25 – Marriage Weekend Away

Longer Term

  • 23 July – WHAC Service Leaders meeting
  • 20-22 October – Winston Hills Weekend Away

Winston Hills Prayer Points

  1. Thank God for the work of Anglicare, taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to those in need. Pray that God will use our gifts to build his kingdom in heaven.
  2. Pray for the financial situation of our church, particularly as financial giving is down, that we may all give generously, cheerful and in response to God’s outrageous grace to us in Jesus.
  3. Pray for those who have been sick, unemployed, mourning or struggling in life under many trials.
  4. Pray for the Snowdons in Spain. Pray for the work of their church to reach out into the community with the news about Jesus.
  5. Pray for Jacquie and her KidsQuest leaders as they prepare for this outreach event for children in July. Pray that they may be prepared and able to coordinate all the different aspects of the week.

Winston Hills Community News – 17th May 2017


Genesis – The Origins of Everything


Then Abraham said, “Let the Lord not be angry, and I will speak one more time.  Suppose 10 [righteous people] are found there?” God answered, “I will not destroy it on account of 10.” (Genesis 18:32 HCSB)

Then the angels  said to Lot, “Do you have anyone else here: a son-in-law, your sons and daughters, or anyone else in the city who belongs to you? Get them out of this place, 13 for we are about to destroy this place because the outcry against its people is so great before Yahweh, that Yahweh has sent us to destroy it.” (Genesis 19:12-13 HCSB)

On Sunday we are considering the fascinating passage concerning God’s judgement on the cities of the plains, namely Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham seeks to mediate with God for any righteous people in the cities (Genesis 18:16-33). Will God relent from his judgement? On what basis will God’s judgement pass over sinners? Lot and his daughters are rescued from judgement, however the story does not end well for them. Their descendants become nations that are a continuous thorn in Israel’s side.

Please read Genesis 18:16-19:38 in preparation for Sunday.


21.05   The Sinfulness of Sodom (Genesis 18:16-19:38)

28.05   Powerful Faith in Powerful Promises (Genesis 19-22) – Communion gathering

04.06   New Series: Truths Worth Dying For – Faith Alone

11.06   Truths Worth Dying For – Grace Alone

18.06   Truths Worth Dying For – Scripture Alone

Kid’s Ministry Volunteer Forms

Could everyone who received a children’s ministry volunteer form return them completed to Nicole Henderson as soon as possible.

YAK Training – Saturday’s Training is Cancelled

The Youth and Children’s Training scheduled for this Saturday has unfortunately been cancelled. Jacquie and JJ will contact those who are involved with information about the change of dates.

Ministry Training

During the first half of the year, we’ve planned a series of training days for all congregations. The goal is to know what we’re doing, how we’re doing it and make sure we’re serving to the best of our growing abilities. Those expected to be involved will be invited and information about these events will be made available closer to the events.

Sun 4th June – Prayers Training afternoon

Sun 6th Aug – Bible Readers Training afternoon

Sun 3rd Sept – Sharing your Testimony training afternoon (with optional follow-up training on Sun 10th Sept)

Memory Verse of the Month

If we say, “We have no sin,”  we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive  us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:8-9 (HCSB)

Northmead Winter Appeal (30th April – 21st May)


Thank you to everyone who has been generous with their time and finances this month during our Winter Appeal in gospel partnership with Anglicare. There are still opportunities to assist at the Northmead IGA and Winston Hills Mall stalls this Saturday. Please contact Mark if you’re able to help for 2 hours.


Stretch Night – The Sacraments

Slide1This month’s Stretch night on Wednesday 24th May (please note new date!) with be on the Sacraments, particularly Holy Communion. What are the Sacraments? What is happening when we share some bread and wine (aka grape juice) together or wash someone? What is Scripture describing or prescribing for us?

Location: Thomas Street building

Time: 7:30pm

This month we will be expressing our understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ through Holy Communion on Sunday 28th May.

Working Bee


Painting the inside of the church building; morning tea; fixing office building gutters; coffee break; moving a shed; morning tea; meet and smell people from other congregations; coffee break; gardening; painting; grab another coffee and muffin.

These are some of the things that are happening during our working bee – Saturday 3rd June. All help welcomed.

EQUIP Conference

EQUIP is an annual conference for women. This year it will be a day of learning and sharing and growing, as they explore the treasures in God’s word and what it looks like to follow Jesus in everyday life.

For more information, please speak with Rochelle or Sharon.


Marriage Weekend Away

How would you resolve the following marriage conflict situation? [Warning: a few swear words]

Our Marriage Weekend Away from 23rd-25th June at The Retreat at Wiseman’s Ferry will be a great opportunity to remind yourselves of God’s purposes for your marriage and to re-equip your marriage to deal with such conflict situations.

To register, please grab a brochure from the back of the church. Registration closes on 9th June. Payment plans are available. For more information please contact Mark or Sharon in the office.

Winston Hills Weekend Away – Block out the dates today!

The new dates for our Winston Hills Anglican Church weekend away are Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd October at Kiah Ridge Christian Centre. Please block the dates out now in your diary so that you don’t double book!

Eddie and Dave W are spearheading the team to organise our weekend away. They want your input! If you could fill in this extremely short survey, it will help them plan for our time away together.

KidsQuest 2017


As per the last few years, KidsQuest has been an extremely fruitful opportunity to tell children the news of salvation through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Why not start considering how your children might invite their school friends along to this fun week.

You can register your children for KidsQuest on the Northmead Anglican Churches’ website.

Please contact Jacquie if you are able to help during the week with looking after kids, morning tea, rego, organising games, making lunches for the team, skits, giving talks, organising craft, chatting with parents, running the coffee cart, prayer or any other helpful acts of service for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Ministry Opportunities

Assisting with ESL (Monday mornings)

Are you available on Monday mornings to support our ESL outreach ministry? The ESL team is looking for a few people to run the kitchen, prepare morning tea, and be available to chat with anyone who joins the program. Please contact Mark at the office or Denise Carpenter (0431 737 559) if you can help or would be willing to join a roster.

Usher and Assistance at Woodberry Village Sunday service

Because of the failing health of those that help out in welcoming people, guiding people to a seat, and so on, we need volunteers to help out. Would your Gospel Team consider this as an opportunity to reach out to the residents at Woodberry with the gospel? We are looking for 1-2 volunteers for each Sunday service whose names would be added to the roster. Please contact Don Barker if you could assist with this.

Parramatta Family & Local Court Support Group Inc

Over thirty years ago a volunteer service began at the Family and Local Courts in Parramatta, in reaction to a lack of support and positivity in places that both sought to resolve family disputes and misdemeanours of the law. An interdenominational group was formed from local churches in the area, to lend an ear, and a smiling face, and a hand of kindness by way of a cup of tea and a biscuit to those attending the Family Court and the local Court. The support group are seeking the help of people who might like to be a Rostered Volunteer about three hours a month for serving tea and coffee at either or both of the courts. Choice of day or week of the month is available ie. 3rd  Tuesday. Time is usually between 9am and 12.30pm. For more information, please contact Robyn Druitt (member of FIVE congregation) or call Margaret Wigmore on Ph: (02) 9871 8492, mobile 0407 436 642 or email at

Winston Hills Wednesdays Women’s Gospel Team

The Gospel Teams for the Winston Hills women’s groups require a few people to assist care for the children while the mothers meet together. If you are able to join the roster (usually a fortnightly commitment), please speak with Rochelle or Amber.

Dates for your Diary

May 2017

June 2017

  • Thurs 1 – Parish Prayer Night
  • Sat 3 – Working Bee
  • Sun 4 – Prayers training
  • Sun 11 – WHAC Lunch (more details coming soon)
  • Sat 17 – Missionary Prayer Breakfast
  • Fri 23- Sun25 – Marriage Weekend Away

Winston Hills Prayer Points

  1. Pray for couples, who would value some re-tuning in their marriages, that they will find the finances and time to come to our Marriage Weekend Away.
  2. Pray for those who have been sick, unemployed, mourning or struggling in life under many trials. Pray that they may particularly have faith to trust in Jesus through these things.
  3. Pray for the Snowdons in Spain. Pray for Tania as she meets with Spanish women and takes care of Will, Sam and Tom.
  4. Pray for Jacquie and her KidsQuest leaders as they prepare for this outreach event for children in July. Pray that they may be prepared and able to coordinate all the different aspects of the week.
  5. Please pray for the various Sunday ministry coordinators who are gathering this month that they will be able to reflect on what we’re doing, why and how we’re operating, and how we might use our gatherings to grow people to be like Jesus Christ.

Winston Hills Community News – 3rd May 2017


Genesis – The Origins of Everything


Abram believed the Lord, and He credited it to him as righteousness. (Genesis 15:6 HCSB)

This weekend we’re returning to the book of Genesis, picking up the story of Abram after he has defeated the kings of the plains, rescued Lot, and been blessed by Melchizedek, the King of Salem (Genesis 14). How has Abram experienced the fulfilment of God’s promises to him (Genesis 12:1-3)? Abram had certainly become rich in livestock and financially (13:1). Yet how will he become a great nation and receive the land?

Please read Genesis 15-17 in preparation for Sunday.


07.05   The Cutting of the Covenant (Genesis 15-17)

14.05   The Miracle of Motherhood (Genesis 18) – Mothers’ Day

21.05   The Sinfulness of Sodom (Genesis 19)

28.05   Powerful Faith in Powerful Promises (Genesis 19-22) – Communion gathering

04.06   New Series: Truths Worth Dying For

Ministry Training

During the first half of the year, we’ve planned a series of training days for all congregations. The goal is to know what we’re doing, how we’re doing it and make sure we’re serving to the best of our growing abilities. Those expected to be involved will be invited and information about these events will be made available closer to the events.

Sun 4th June – Prayers Training afternoon

Sun 6th Aug – Bible Readers Training afternoon

Sun 3rd Sept – Sharing your Testimony training afternoon (with optional follow-up training on Sun 10th Sept)

Northmead Winter Appeal (30th April – 21st May)


During the month of May, Northmead Anglican Churches are partnering with Anglicare to offer a helping hand to those in our community in need. We are calling on everyone in our parish to give generously from what God has generously given to us (2 Cor 8:8-9; Gal 2:10). And we will go into our local community and shopping centres to ask people to give towards Anglicare’s Winter Appeal.

There are three key areas you and your Gospel Team can be involved:

  1. Donations from Northmead Anglican Churches’ members (Sun 30th April – Sun 14th May) – Over two weeks, members of our congregations are invited to provide food, clothing, and blankets towards Anglicare’s Winter Appeal. Bring your items to the church and place them in the Winter Appeal buckets.
  2. Donations from Letterbox appeal postcards (Round 1: Sat 6th – Sun 14th May; Round 2: Sat 13th – Sun 21st May) – On the first weekend you place a Northmead Winter Appeal postcard in letterboxes in certain streets of Northmead and Winston Hills. The following weekend you knock on those doors with members of your Gospel Team and say you’re collecting food (as listed on the Appeal postcard) for the Winter Appeal. We will have Thank-you Packs for everyone (see below).
  3. Donations from Northmead and Winston Hills shoppers (Round 1: 11-13 May; Round 2: 18-20 May) – We plan to have tables set up outside a few shops in Northmead and Winston Hills. The tables will be decorated with Anglicare’s banners. Members of Gospel Teams or groups of friends are rostered to stand behind the tables, giving a Winter Appeal Shopping Lists to shoppers, inviting them to contribute certain food items towards Anglicare’s Winter Appeal. Those who contribute towards the appeal are given a Thank-you Pack.

The Thank-you Packs will contain advertising material from Anglicare, information about Northmead Anglican Churches, an evangelistic tract, and other goodies like a lolly. As we meet with people in our community we can promote Anglicare, ourselves, as well as the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Anglicare is asking if we would be able to provide:

  • pasta & pasta sauce
  • chunky soup
  • tuna & salmon
  • cereal
  • long-life milk
  • toothpaste & toothbrushes
  • soap & deodorant
  • small jars of olive oil
  • blankets & warm clothes

Where do we go from here?

  • Start considering how you might contribute towards the Winter Appeal (bring your gift to church this Sunday or drop them off at the church office)
  • Discuss with your Gospel Team how you would like to serve
  • Gather a few friends and set a time to sit behind the table outside the shops
  • Sign-up using the forms at the back of the church
  • Inform the office if you’re available to prepare the Thank-You packs (prep day is Tuesday 9th May)

For more information, please contact Mark Groombridge.

NCEA Prayer Breakfast

Please join us at the Thomas Street building on Saturday 13th May at 7:30am to hear about the work of God’s gospel in our local high schools and to pray for God to grow his people through the work of NCEA.

Stretch Night – The Sacraments


This month’s Stretch night on Wednesday 24th May (please note new date!) with be on the Sacraments, particularly Holy Communion. What are the Sacraments? What is happening when we share some bread and wine (aka grape juice) together or wash someone? What is Scripture describing or prescribing for us?

Location: Thomas Street building

Time: 7:30pm

This month we will be expressing our understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ through Holy Communion on Sunday 28th May.

EQUIP Conference

EQUIP is an annual conference for women. This year it will be a day of learning and sharing and growing, as they explore the treasures in God’s word and what it looks like to follow Jesus in everyday life.

For more information, please speak with Rochelle or Sharon.


Marriage Weekend Away

How would you resolve the following marriage conflict situation?

Our Marriage Weekend Away from 23rd-25th June at The Retreat at Wiseman’s Ferry will be a great opportunity to remind yourselves of God’s purposes for your marriage and to re-equip your marriage to deal with such conflict situations.

To register, please grab a brochure from the back of the church. Registration closes on 9th June. For more information please contact Mark or Sharon in the office.

Ministry Opportunities

Assisting with ESL (Monday mornings)

Are you available on Monday mornings to support our ESL outreach ministry? The ESL team is looking for a few people to run the kitchen, prepare morning tea, and be available to chat with anyone who joins the program. Please contact Mark at the office or Denise Carpenter (0431 737 559) if you can help or would be willing to join a roster.

Usher and Assistance at Woodberry Village Sunday service

Because of the failing health of those that help out in welcoming people, guiding people to a seat, and so on, we need volunteers to help out. Would your Gospel Team consider this as an opportunity to reach out to the residents at Woodberry with the gospel? We are looking for 1-2 volunteers for each Sunday service whose names would be added to the roster. Please contact Don Barker if you could assist with this.

Parramatta Family & Local Court Support Group Inc

Over thirty years ago a volunteer service began at the Family and Local Courts in Parramatta, in reaction to a lack of support and positivity in places that both sought to resolve family disputes and misdemeanours of the law. An interdenominational group was formed from local churches in the area, to lend an ear, and a smiling face, and a hand of kindness by way of a cup of tea and a biscuit to those attending the Family Court and the local Court. The support group are seeking the help of people who might like to be a Rostered Volunteer about three hours a month for serving tea and coffee at either or both of the courts. Choice of day or week of the month is available ie. 3rd  Tuesday. Time is usually between 9am and 12.30pm. For more information, please contact Robyn Druitt (member of FIVE congregation) or call Margaret Wigmore on Ph: (02) 9871 8492, mobile 0407 436 642 or email at

Winston Hills Wednesdays Women’s Gospel Team

The Gospel Teams for the Winston Hills women’s groups require a few people to assist care for the children while the mothers meet together. If you are able to join the roster (usually a fortnightly commitment), please speak with Rochelle or Amber.

Dates for your Diary

May 2017

  • Fri 5–Sun 7 – e11even Weekend Away
  • Sat 13 – NCEA Prayer Breakfast (NAC)
  • Sun 14 – Mothers’ Day
  • Sat 20 – Youth and Children Training Day
  • Wed 24  – Stretch Night
  • Sat 27 – EQUIP Conference

June 2017

  • Thurs 1 – Parish Prayer Night
  • Sun 3 – Prayers training
  • Sun 11 – WHAC Lunch (more details coming soon)
  • Sat 17 – Missionary Prayer Breakfast
  • Fri 23- Sun25 – Marriage Weekend Away

Winston Hills Prayer Points

  1. Pray for the Northmead e11even am congregation as they are heading away together this weekend. Pray that they may grow in love and service of God and his gospel concerning Jesus, as well as in love and service of one another.
  2. Pray for those who have been sick, unemployed, mourning or struggling in life under many trials. Pray that they may particularly have faith to trust in Jesus through these things.
  3. Pray for the Snowdons in Spain. Pray for Mike as he proclaims Christ in high schools and on university campuses.
  4. Pray for the married couples in our congregation that they will reflect the self-sacrificial service of Jesus Christ in their relationship with one another (Ephesians 5). Pray for those couples who desire to go on the marriage weekend away, that they will be willing to make sacrifices to meet the cost, that they may be wise and blessed, and able to listen to one another.
  5. Pray that God may give us wisdom and grace as we consider how we gather together next year, expecting to be unable to continue using the classrooms for our children’s ministries.

The Reading Room

On Sunday, we briefly considered how God’s purpose for our lives is to serve one another in the context of spiritual opposition (Ephesians 6:10-22). Paul’s advice to Christians is to equip ourselves with the news of Jesus Christ.

The challenge from a church leadership perspective is to answer the question: How? How can we equip you with the gospel of Jesus Christ so that you will be able to stand firm in your faith? The follow-up question is how do we equip different people, facing different challenges in different stages of life?

Last year Rory Shiner wrote a very helpful article ‘We need to talk about church scheduling‘. He helps us understand these differences, then makes some helpful suggestions how we might schedule and plan appropriately.

I trust you find it helpful to know that our church leadership are not unaware of the daily challenges you may be facing, nor ignorant of the impact that a marriage weekend has on your finances. Rather, they are trying to be wise in how to prepare you for eternal glory.

Winston Hills Community News – 26th April 2017


Living with Purpose


Magnification – Mission – Membership – Maturity

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life — a ransom for many. (Mark 10:45 HCSB)

Jesus Christ serves both God and us through his death and resurrection. How then ought we to live as those who love the one who served us by giving up his life? This week we will consider from Ephesians 6 how God’s purpose and work for us is to serve him, his Son, and one another.


30.04   Living with Purpose – Serving in God’s Kingdom

07.05   The Cutting of the Covenant (Genesis 15-17)

14.05   The Sinfulness of Sodom (Genesis 18-19)

21.05   The Fear of the Faithful One (Genesis 20-21)

28.05   Powerful Faith in Powerful Promises (Genesis 22) – Communion gathering

Christianity Explored course

Christianity Explored

Christianity is pretty simple. It’s all about one life, the life of Jesus. 

Christianity Explored is a fun and relaxed course which investigates who Jesus is and what he has done for us. Everyone who comes has the opportunity to ask all their questions, read through Mark’s Gospel, and consider the life of Jesus. Everyone is welcome.

Our next course starts on Tuesday 2nd May. For more information please contact the church office.

Online Rosters for Winston Hills Anglican Church

Our Sunday gathering rosters have moved online, so the most recent rosters are always at your finger tips. To view our rosters, either follow this link to our Online Google Document (then Bookmark it), or you can follow the link from our Members Resource page on our website.

Google Documents still allows you to print off the month tabs, so you can still stick a copy on your fridge.

Ministry Training

During the first half of the year, we’ve planned a series of training days for all congregations. The goal is to know what we’re doing, how we’re doing it and make sure we’re serving to the best of our growing abilities. Those expected to be involved will be invited and information about these events will be made available closer to the events.

Our welcomers training is a necessity for everyone on the welcoming and ushering roster. Since we desire to welcome and integrate all people who join us, and this is not just the task of our welcomers and ushers, it is recommended that ALL members of Winston Hills Anglican Church attend this training!

Sun 30th Apr – Welcomers Training afternoon (2-4pm at the Thomas Street building)

Sat 3rd June – Leadership Team Training Day

Sun 4th June – Prayers Training afternoon

Please let Mark know if one of these is an area where you are interested in serving.

Northmead Winter Appeal (30th April – 21st May)


During the month of May, Northmead Anglican Churches are partnering with Anglicare to offer a helping hand to those in our community in need. We are calling on everyone in our parish to give generously from what God has generously given to us (2 Cor 8:8-9; Gal 2:10). And we will go into our local community and shopping centres to ask people to give towards Anglicare’s Winter Appeal.

There are three key areas you and your Gospel Team can be involved:

  1. Donations from Northmead Anglican Churches’ members (Sun 30th April – Sun 14th May) – Over two weeks, members of our congregations are invited to provide food, clothing, and blankets towards Anglicare’s Winter Appeal. Bring your items to the church and place them in the Winter Appeal buckets.
  2. Donations from Letterbox appeal postcards (Round 1: Sat 6th – Sun 14th May; Round 2: Sat 13th – Sun 21st May) – On the first weekend you place a Northmead Winter Appeal postcard in letterboxes in certain streets of Northmead and Winston Hills. The following weekend you knock on those doors with members of your Gospel Team and say you’re collecting food (as listed on the Appeal postcard) for the Winter Appeal. We will have Thank-you Packs for everyone (see below).
  3. Donations from Northmead and Winston Hills shoppers (Round 1: 11-13 May; Round 2: 18-20 May) – We plan to have tables set up outside a few shops in Northmead and Winston Hills. The tables will be decorated with Anglicare’s banners. Members of Gospel Teams or groups of friends are rostered to stand behind the tables, giving a Winter Appeal Shopping Lists to shoppers, inviting them to contribute certain food items towards Anglicare’s Winter Appeal. Those who contribute towards the appeal are given a Thank-you Pack.

The Thank-you Packs will contain advertising material from Anglicare, information about Northmead Anglican Churches, an evangelistic tract, and other goodies like a lolly. As we meet with people in our community we can promote Anglicare, ourselves, as well as the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Anglicare is asking if we would be able to provide:

  • pasta & pasta sauce
  • chunky soup
  • tuna & salmon
  • cereal
  • long-life milk
  • toothpaste & toothbrushes
  • soap & deodorant
  • small jars of olive oil
  • blankets & warm clothes

Where do we go from here?

  • Start considering how you might contribute towards the Winter Appeal (bring your gift to church from this Sunday)
  • Discuss with your Gospel Team how you would like to serve
  • Gather a few friends and set a time to sit behind the table outside the shops
  • Inform the church office what times you’ve chosen
  • Inform the office if you’re available to prepare the Thank-You packs

For more information, please contact Mark Groombridge.

Friends of Northmead – Legal Issues Seminar

Legal Issues Flyer

NCEA Prayer Breakfast

Please join us at the Thomas Street building on Saturday 13th May at 7:30am to hear about the work of God’s gospel in our local high schools and to pray for God to grow his people through the work of NCEA.

Stretch Night – The Sacraments


This month’s Stretch night on Wednesday 24th May (please note new date!) with be on the Sacraments, particularly Holy Communion. What are the Sacraments? What is happening when we share some bread and wine (aka grape juice) together or wash someone? What is Scripture describing or prescribing for us?

Location: Thomas Street building

Time: 7:30pm

This month we will be expressing our understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ through Holy Communion on Sunday 28th May.

Ministry Opportunities

Assisting with ESL (Monday mornings)

Are you available on Monday mornings to support our ESL outreach ministry? The ESL team is looking for a few people to run the kitchen, prepare morning tea, and be available to chat with anyone who joins the program. Please contact Mark at the office or Denise Carpenter (0431 737 559) if you can help or would be willing to join a roster.

Usher and Assistance at Woodberry Village Sunday service

Because of the failing health of those that help out in welcoming people, guiding people to a seat, and so on, we need volunteers to help out. Would your Gospel Team consider this as an opportunity to reach out to the residents at Woodberry with the gospel? We are looking for 1-2 volunteers for each Sunday service whose names would be added to the roster. Please contact Don Barker if you could assist with this.

Parramatta Family & Local Court Support Group Inc

Over thirty years ago a volunteer service began at the Family and Local Courts in Parramatta, in reaction to a lack of support and positivity in places that both sought to resolve family disputes and misdemeanours of the law. An interdenominational group was formed from local churches in the area, to lend an ear, and a smiling face, and a hand of kindness by way of a cup of tea and a biscuit to those attending the Family Court and the local Court. The support group are seeking the help of people who might like to be a Rostered Volunteer about three hours a month for serving tea and coffee at either or both of the courts. Choice of day or week of the month is available ie. 3rd  Tuesday. Time is usually between 9am and 12.30pm. For more information, please contact Robyn Druitt (member of FIVE congregation) or call Margaret Wigmore on Ph: (02) 9871 8492, mobile 0407 436 642 or email at

Dates for your Diary

April 2017

  • Sun 30 – Welcomers Training seminar
  • Sun 30 – Northmead Winter Appeal begins

May 2017

  • Tues 2 – Christianity Explored course begins
  • Wed 3 – Friends of Northmead seminar
  • Fri 5 – Sun 7 e11even Weekend Away
  • Sat 13 – NCEA Prayer Breakfast (NAC)
  • Sun 14 – Mothers’ Day
  • Sat 20 – Youth and Children Training Day
  • Wed 24  – Stretch Night
  • Sat 27 – EQUIP Conference

June 2017

  • Sun 11 – WHAC Lunch (more details coming soon)

Winston Hills Prayer Points

  1. Pray that the new people who have been visiting our congregations will come along to our Christianity Explored courses.
  2. Pray for those who have been sick, unemployed, mourning or struggling in life under many trials. Pray that they may particularly have faith to trust in Jesus through these things.
  3. Pray for the Santiches in Christchurch, NZ. Pray that God will strengthen the churches in their area as they are seeking to grow Christians who know and love Jesus and desire to serve him with their whole lives.
  4. Pray that as we finish off our Living With Purpose series in a few weeks, that we might consider who we live and what we live for. Pray that we might be a welcoming church that proclaims the good news of Jesus Christ to one another in word and deed.
  5. Pray for the teachers in our congregation and those who work in schools and universities that, as they start another school term, they may boldly stand for Jesus in the face of secular opposition and godless philosophies.


Winston Hills Community News – 19th April 2017


Living with Purpose



The New Testament writers used many metaphors to describe how God works in and through his people. What spiritual reality might you be describing if you described  a building under construction, a father’s height, a seedling, a body, and a child? The Apostle Paul uses many of these images in a single paragraph…

And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, 12 to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building the body of Christ, 13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, 14 so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. 15 Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, 16 from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself in love. (Ephesians 4:11-16 HCSB)

This week we will consider from Ephesians 4 how God’s purpose and work in us is to grow us to be just like Jesus Christ. He is working to make us mature in Jesus Christ.


23.04   Living with Purpose – Growing to be like Jesus

30.04   Living with Purpose – Serving in God’s Kingdom

07.05   The Cutting of the Covenant (Genesis 15-17)

14.05   The Sinfulness of Sodom (Genesis 18-19)

21.05   The Fear of the Faithful One (Genesis 20-21)

Winston Hills Women’s Event – This Saturday!


Date: Saturday 22nd April 

Time: 8pm

Location: Pocknall’s Place (5 Andrews Ave, Toongabbie NSW 2146)

Bronwyn Edney is coming to speak to us on ‘Joy in God’s Promises’. An event to encourage one another. All ladies welcome!

Christianity Explored course

Christianity Explored

Christianity is pretty simple. It’s all about one life, the life of Jesus. 

Christianity Explored is a fun and relaxed course which investigates who Jesus is and what he has done for us. Everyone who comes has the opportunity to ask all their questions, read through Mark’s Gospel, and consider the life of Jesus. Everyone is welcome.

For more information please contact the church office.

Online Rosters for Winston Hills Anglican Church

Our Sunday gathering rosters have moved online, so the most recent rosters are always at your finger tips. To view our rosters, either follow this link to our Online Google Document (then Bookmark it), or you can follow the link from our Members Resource page on our website.

Google Documents still allows you to print off the month tabs, so you can still stick a copy on your fridge.

Ministry Training

During the first half of the year, we’ve planned a series of training days for all congregations. The goal is to know what we’re doing, how we’re doing it and make sure we’re serving to the best of our growing abilities. Those expected to be involved will be invited and information about these events will be made available closer to the events.

Our welcomers training is a necessity for everyone on the welcoming and ushering roster. Since we desire to welcome and integrate all people who join us, and this is not just the task of our welcomers and ushers, it is recommended that ALL members of Winston Hills Anglican Church attend this training!

Sun 30th Apr – Welcomers Training afternoon (2-4pm at the Thomas Street building)

Sat 3rd June – Leadership Team Training Day

Sun 4th June – Prayers Training afternoon

These training events are open for all members of Winston Hills. Please let Mark know if one of these is an area where you are interested in serving.

Northmead Winter Appeal (30th April – 21st May)


During the month of May, Northmead Anglican Churches are partnering with Anglicare to offer a helping hand to those in our community in need. We are calling on everyone in our parish to give generously from what God has generously given to us (2 Cor 8:8-9; Gal 2:10). And we will go into our local community and shopping centres to ask people to give towards Anglicare’s Winter Appeal.

There are three key areas you and your Gospel Team can be involved:

  1. Donations from Northmead Anglican Churches’ members (Sun 30th April – Sun 14th May) – Over two weeks, members of our congregations are invited to provide food, clothing, and blankets towards Anglicare’s Winter Appeal. Bring your items to the church and place them in the Winter Appeal buckets.
  2. Donations from Letterbox appeal postcards (Round 1: Sat 6th – Sun 14th May; Round 2: Sat 13th – Sun 21st May) – With your Gospel Team, the first weekend you place a Northmead Winter Appeal postcard in letterboxes in certain streets of Northmead and Winston Hills. The following weekend you knock on those doors and say you’re collecting food (as listed on the Appeal postcard) for the Winter Appeal. We will have Thank-you Packs for everyone (see below).
  3. Donations from Northmead and Winston Hills shoppers (Round 1: 11-13 May; Round 2: 18-20 May) – We plan to have tables set up outside a few shops in Northmead and Winston Hills. The tables will be decorated with Anglicare’s banners. Members of Gospel Teams or groups of friends are rostered to stand behind the tables, giving a Winter Appeal Shopping Lists to shoppers, inviting them to contribute certain food items towards Anglicare’s Winter Appeal. Those who contribute towards the appeal are given a Thank-you Pack.

The Thank-you Packs will contain advertising material from Anglicare, information about Northmead Anglican Churches, an evangelistic tract, and other goodies like a lolly. As we meet with people in our community we can promote Anglicare, ourselves, as well as the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Where do we go from here?

  • Start considering how you might contribute towards the Winter Appeal
  • Discuss with your Gospel Team how you would like to serve
  • Gather a few friends and set a time to sit behind the table outside the shops
  • Inform the church office what times you’ve chosen
  • Inform the office if you’re available to prepare the Thank-You packs

For more information, please contact Mark Groombridge.

Friends of Northmead – Legal Issues Seminar

Legal Issues Flyer

Ministry Opportunities

Kitchen Aids for ESL (Monday mornings)

Are you available on Monday mornings to support our ESL outreach ministry? The ESL team is looking for a few people to run the kitchen, prepare morning tea, and be available to chat with anyone who joins the program. Please contact Mark at the office or Denise Carpenter (0431 737 559) if you can help or would be willing to join a roster.

Usher and Assistance at Woodberry Village Sunday service

Because of the failing health of those that help out in welcoming people, guiding people to a seat, and so on, we need volunteers to help out. Would your Gospel Team consider this as an opportunity to reach out to the residents at Woodberry with the gospel? We are looking for 1-2 volunteers for each Sunday service whose names would be added to the roster. Please contact Don Barker if you could assist with this.

Dates for your Diary

April 2017

  • Mon 17-Fri 21 – Forge Youth Camp
  • Sun 30 – Welcomers Training seminar
  • Sun 30 – Northmead Winter Appeal begins

The Groombridges will be away from 21st-25th April.

May 2017

  • Tues 2 – Christianity Explored course begins
  • Wed 3 – Friends of Northmead seminar
  • Fri 5 – Sun 7 e11even Weekend Away
  • Sat 13 – NCEA Prayer Breakfast (NAC)
  • Sun 14 – Mothers’ Day
  • Wed 17 – Stretch Night
  • Sat 20 – Youth and Children Training Day
  • Sat 27 – EQUIP Conference

WHAC Prayer Points

This is why, since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, 16 I never stop giving thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers. 17 I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father,  would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. 18 I pray that the perception of your mind  may be enlightened so you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the glorious riches of His inheritance among the saints, 19 and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power to us who believe, according to the working of His vast strength. (Ephesians 1:15-19 HCSB)

  1. Praise God for those non-Christians who came along to our Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday services. Pray that they might continue to discuss the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ with us, and come along to our Christianity Explored courses.
  2. Pray for those who have been sick, unemployed, mourning or struggling in life under many trials. Pray that they may particularly have faith to trust in Jesus through these things.
  3. Pray for the Santiches in Christchurch, NZ. Pray that the Christian Union conference (7-11 April) has deepened the students’ understanding of the cross of Christ.
  4. Pray that as we finish off our Living With Purpose series in a few weeks, that we might consider who we live and what we live for. Pray that we might be a welcoming church that proclaims the good news of Jesus Christ to one another in word and deed.
  5. Pray for the youth who are away at Forge Camp this week that they will enjoy reading the Bible together, praying together, and having fun together.


Winston Hills – 29th March 2017


Living with Purpose


So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31 HCSB)

As we saw in Ephesians 1 last Sunday, God’s first key purpose for us is to live for him and his glory. In fact, God has been working and making decisions before the beginning of this creation to make it possible for us to glorify him through Jesus Christ. Living for God and his glory is therefore foundational for everything we are and do at Winston Hills Anglican Church. From our gatherings to our daily response to the news about Jesus, God desires for us to honour and serve him and his Son.

This Sunday we will look at another purpose that God has for our lives. Why are we still living here on earth? What does God want us to do before Jesus returns? Please read Ephesians 1-2 in preparation for our Sunday gathering.

Please don’t forget that daylight savings starts this Sunday (wind your clocks back an hour). It actually means you get to sleep in a little more (not that we experience this in our household). Plus no one should have an excuse for arriving after we’ve started!


Next month we will be remembering the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ during our special Easter services. These services are an opportunity to ask your friends and family to celebrate Easter with you. We will have a children’s program and morning tea is provided. A short talk will seek to help people understand why the unjust death of a man at the hands of a foreign occupying force and religious leaders was actually the best thing that could ever possibly happen for us.


02.04   Living with Purpose – To Share God and Make Him Known

09.04   Living with Purpose – Belonging to God and his Family

14.04   Good Friday

16.04   Resurrection Sunday

23.04   Living with Purpose – Growing to be like Jesus

30.04   Living with Purpose – Serving in God’s Kingdom

Winston Hills Beach Day


A large group of us went to Mona Vale beach last Saturday. Apart from 5 minutes of rain (which fell just as we were packing things up in the park and moving to the beach – great timing of God’s behalf!), it was a fun day of conversation, games, sticky sand, and swimming (in mud and the surf). Here are some photos from the event:

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Ministry Training – This Sunday: Kids’ Spots

During the first half of the year, we’ve planned a series of training days for all congregations. The goal is to know what we’re doing, how we’re doing it and make sure we’re serving to the best of our growing abilities. Those expected to be involved will be invited and information about these events will be made available closer to the events.

Sun 2nd Apr – Kids Spot Training afternoon (2-4pm at the Thomas Street building)

Sun 30th Apr – Welcomers Training afternoon

Sat 3rd June – Leadership Team Training Day

Sun 4th June – Prayers Training afternoon

These training events are open for all members of Winston Hills. Please let Mark know if one of these is an area where you are interested in serving.

Winston Hills Women’s Event


Date: Saturday 22nd April 

Time: 8pm

Location: Pocknall’s Place (5 Andrews Ave, Toongabbie NSW 2146)

Bronwyn Edney is coming to speak to us on ‘Joy in God’s Promises’. An event to encourage one another. All ladies welcome!

Friends of Northmead Picnic

The Friends of Northmead exists to provide a social network amongst those who “have retired, are ’empty-nesters’, or ‘third stagers’ (i.e. independent of children, free of mortgages, still in relatively good health, etc)”. Through social events and seminars, members of our parish are aiming to expand their social networks and provide opportunities to speak about Jesus.

This month’s event is a picnic at Cumberland State Forest (off Castle Hill Road, just past Coonara Ave) on Saturday 1st April from 11am.

For more information about this event and gospel ministry, please contact Bev Ivins (0412142090), Robyn Dunlop (0417066827) or Hedley Mooney (0400207806).

Ministry Opportunities

Kitchen Aids for ESL (Monday mornings)

Are you available on Monday mornings to support our ESL outreach ministry? The ESL team is looking for a few people to run the kitchen, prepare morning tea, and be available to chat with anyone who joins the program. Please contact Mark at the office or Denise Carpenter (0431 737 559) if you can help or would be willing to join a roster.

Usher and Assistance at Woodberry Village Sunday service

Because of the failing health of those that help out in welcoming people, guiding people to a seat, and so on, we need volunteers to help out. Would your Gospel Team consider this as an opportunity to reach out to the residents at Woodberry with the gospel? We are looking for 1-2 volunteers for each Sunday service whose names would be added to the roster. Please contact Don Barker if you could assist with this.

Dates for your Diary

March 2017

  • Wed 29 – Northmead Anglican Churches AGM 

April 2017

  • Sat 1 – Friends of Northmead Cumberland Forest Picnic
  • Sun 2 – Kids’ Spot Training seminar
  • Fri 14 – Good Friday service (9:30am)
  • Sun 16 – Resurrection Sunday service (9:30am)
  • Mon 17-Fri 21 – Forge Youth Camp
  • Sun 30 – Welcomers Training seminar

The Winstonite Holiday Program will be running on Sunday 9th, 16th, and 23rd April (including Good Friday). For more information, please speak with Bronwynne Pocknall.

The Groombridges will be away from 21st-25th April.

WHAC Prayer Points

Devote yourselves to prayer; stay alert in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us that God may open a door  to us for the message, to speak the mystery of the Messiah, for which I am in prison,  so that I may reveal it as I am required to speak. (Colossians 4:2-4 HCSB)

  1. Pray for boldness to take the opportunity to invite non-Christian friends and family along to our Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday services. Pray that our gatherings over that weekend will clearly explain the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  2. Pray for the Moore College PTC training that pastors in Kenya have recently received through Steve Dunlop (member of FIVE), that they may use what they have learnt from God’s Word to build the church in that country and region of Africa.
  3. Praise God for the parish leadership teams (wardens, parish council, treasurer, and Adrian Russell) for serving us, managing our finances, and making (hard) decisions regarding our property so that we might proclaim the news about Jesus.
  4. Thank God for everyone in our congregation, for he has brought us all together through Jesus Christ. Praise him that our Beach Day was an enjoyable opportunity for fun and relationship building.
  5. Pray for those who have been sick, unemployed, mourning or struggling in life under many trials. Pray that they may particularly have faith to trust in Jesus through these things.

Winston Hills Community News – 15th March 2017


Genesis – The Origins of Everything


Abraham returns to the Promised Land from a poor performance in Egypt (Genesis 12). Will he now remain faithful to God’s promises as his nephew Lot offers to settle in the best parts of the land? Please read Genesis 13-14 in preparation for our time together on Sunday.


19.03   Gen 13-14   The Beginning of the Blessing

26.03  New Series: Living With Purpose – Living for God and his Glory

02.04   Living with Purpose – To Share God and Make Him Known

09.04   Living with Purpose – Belonging to God and his Family

Updated Rosters

Updated rosters for March and April have been uploaded on our resources page. It is worthwhile printing them off, highlighting your name and tossing a reminder in your phone so you’re prepared and ready to serve.

Missionary Prayer Breakfast – Sat 25th March

Please join us at 7.30am at the Thomas Street building to hear about and pray for our missionaries. Breakfast included. All welcome.


Winston Hills Beach Day – Sat 25th March


We plan to head down to the coast, gather on the beach at Mona Vale (parking around Surf Lifesaving Club on Surfview Road) from 11am on Saturday 25th March. Please bring your own drinks and picnic lunch. Of course, toss in the boogie board and swimmers. From 1:30pm we will have some organised fun together, including a mysterious man cover in something delicious!

Wet Weather Plans: If it is unfortunately raining on Saturday 25th March, the event will be postponed until Term 2.

The_Sack_Race1 10991386_10153153242673804_8482216822384985499_n


Ministry Opportunities


Kitchen Aids for ESL (Monday mornings)

Are you available on Monday mornings to support our ESL outreach ministry? The ESL team is looking for a few people to run the kitchen, prepare morning tea, and be available to chat with anyone who joins the program. Please contact Mark at the office or Denise Carpenter (0431 737 559) if you can help or would be willing to join a roster.

Usher and Assistance at Woodberry Village Sunday service

Because of the failing health of those that help out in welcoming people, guiding people to a seat, and so on, we need volunteers to help out. Would your Gospel Team consider this as an opportunity to reach out to the residents at Woodberry with the gospel? We are looking for 1-2 volunteers for each Sunday service whose names would be added to the roster. Please contact Don Barker if you could assist with this.

Ministry Training

During the first half of the year, we’ve planned a series of training days for all congregations. The goal is to know what we’re doing, how we’re doing it and make sure we’re serving to the best of our growing abilities. Those expected to be involved will be invited and information about these events will be made available closer to the events.

Sun 2nd Apr – Kids Spot Training afternoon

Sun 30th Apr – Welcomers Training afternoon

Sat 3rd June – Leadership Team Training Day

Sun 4th June – Prayers Training afternoon

These training events are open for all members of Winston Hills. Please let Mark know if one of these is an area where you are interested in serving.

Western Sydney Region Annual Women’s Autumn Dinner


Tickets can be purchased online here for the dinner. For more information, please speak with Rochelle.

Dates for your Diary

March 2017

April 2017

  • Sat 1 – Friends of Northmead Parramatta Picnic
  • Sun 2 – Kids’ Spot Training seminar
  • Fri 14 – Good Friday service (9:30am)
  • Sun 16 – Resurrection Sunday service (9:30am)
  • Mon 17-Fri 21 – Forge Youth Camp
  • Sun 30 – Welcomers Training seminar

WHAC Prayer Points

Devote yourselves to prayer; stay alert in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us that God may open a door  to us for the message, to speak the mystery of the Messiah, for which I am in prison,  so that I may reveal it as I am required to speak. (Colossians 4:2-4 HCSB)

  1. Pray for boldness to take the opportunity to invite non-Christian friends and family along to our Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday services. Pray that our gatherings over that weekend will clearly explain the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  2. Pray for the parents, grandparents, carers and children that come along to Tuesday Playmornings. Pray that as relationships are built with non-Christian people in this relaxed environment, that they will be interested in hearing about Jesus.
  3. Pray for the Northmead Anglican Church staff who will be away together next week to prepare and plan for parish activities in the second half of this year.
  4. Praise God for the rain he provides as well as the sunny days. Pray that our Beach Day will be blessed with fine weather so that we may enjoy our time together.
  5. Pray for those who have been sick, unemployed, mourning or struggling in life under many trials. Pray that they may particularly have faith to trust in Jesus through these things.

Winston Hills Community News – 8th March 2017


Genesis – The Origins of Everything


It is obvious that by the time we’ve read to Genesis 11, human sinfulness is completely entrenched in human hearts. Yet God has not decided to wipe out humanity in one just act of judgement. Therefore the promise to bless Abram in Genesis 12 comes as a surprise. How is God able to deal with human sin through a promise? This week we will unpack Genesis 12 to understand the promise and see how God plans to save people from their sin on the basis of trusting it.


12.03   Gen 12   The dawn of Justification

19.03   Gen 13-14   The Beginning of the Blessing

26.03  New Series: Living With Purpose – Living for God and his Glory

02.04   Living with Purpose – To Share God and Make Him Known

Updated Rosters

Updated rosters for March and April have been uploaded on our resources page. It is worthwhile printing them off, highlighting your name and tossing a reminder in your phone so you’re prepared and ready to serve.

Children at our Sunday Gatherings


You may have noticed a few changes over the past few months which have aimed to streamline our children’s ministries on Sundays. Firstly, after a year of serving us as the coordinator of the Creche and Blast-off programs, Bec Wilkinson has handed over this responsibility to Nikki Macken. Bronwynne Pocknall has taken on a new responsibility to coordinate our Winstonite programs in conjunction with Jacquie Sperinck and the Winstonite team. These women are serving us to ensure our children’s programs can care, teach and grow the kids to be like Jesus.

Secondly, we’ve moved Winstonites Sign-In to the name-tags table. Please sign in your Winstonite children when you arrive. The Winstonite team will collect the children on the COLA at the end of morning tea (or at the back of the hall if morning tea is at the end) and take them to their program. That means the adults can gather more quickly in the hall to resume our formal gathering time (nudge nudge!).

Bronwynne is, thirdly, organising a more relaxed holiday program for our Winstonite children. In the past only Creche and Blast-Off has continued over the holiday period. This year the children will be cared for by parents, but with a relaxed, devotional program including games. If you would be able to assist with Winstonites on one of the holiday Sundays, watching a devotional DVD then asking some reflective questions, or assisting with some games on the field or COLA, please speak with Bronwynne.

We continue to ask that parents make every effort to quieten their children at the start of our Sunday gatherings. Our hall has very poor acoustics and it would help the service leaders if they didn’t have to shout over the noise to get everyone’s attention. Furthermore, we ask that parents take their children to the children’s morning tea table to monitor how much and how their children are taking the food. At the moment the children seem to be acting more like vultures than being considerate of other, smaller children.

Whenever we gather together, we aim to listen to God speak, pray to him, and encourage one another so that God’s church will build us to be like Jesus and his church in numbers. This obviously includes our children. So please pray for our children and those who assist you on Sundays in training your children in the knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Missionary Prayer Breakfast – Sat 25th March

Please join us at 7.30am at the Thomas Street building to hear about and pray for our missionaries. Breakfast included. All welcome.


Winston Hills Beach Day – Sat 25th March


We plan to head down to the coast, gather on the beach at Mona Vale (parking around Surf Lifesaving Club on Surfview Road) from 11am on Saturday 25th March. Please bring your own drinks and picnic lunch. Of course, toss in the boogie board and swimmers. From 1:30pm we will have some organised fun together, including a mysterious man cover in something delicious!

The_Sack_Race1 10991386_10153153242673804_8482216822384985499_n

Everyone is welcome!

Newcomers’ Lunch

We have had several families and a few individuals join us over the past few months. It has been a delight to welcome Daniel and Danielle Muldoon with Mia and Charlotte and Ben and Elena Zunica with Dom and Matilda into our community. So on Sunday Sharon Partlett organised lunch and the Shoemarks hosted us. Together with a few members of our church, we were able to get to know them better over a meal, talk about our church and what it means to be a member of our congregation. It was a great time together.

If you meet any new people at our Sunday gatherings, please do not hesitate to introduce yourselves and assist them to settle. I’ve always found that explaining what we’re doing as well as introducing them to other church members is a great way to welcome someone new.


Friends of Northmead – Managing Arthritis

The Friends of Northmead is an initiative by Third Stage Empty-Nesters at Northmead Anglican Churches who desire to meet together and who also desire to bring their non-Christian friends into their friendship networks in a non-threatening manner.


Ministry Training

During the first half of the year, we’ve planned a series of training days for all congregations. The goal is to know what we’re doing, how we’re doing it and make sure we’re serving to the best of our growing abilities. Those expected to be involved will be invited and information about these events will be made available closer to the events.


Sun 2nd Apr – Kids Spot Training afternoon

Sun 30th Apr – Welcomers Training afternoon

Sat 3rd June – Leadership Team Training Day

Sun 4th June – Prayers Training afternoon

These training events are open for all members of Winston Hills. Please let Mark know if one of these is an area where you are interested in serving.

Western Sydney Region Annual Women’s Autumn Dinner


Tickets can be purchased online here for the dinner. For more information, please speak with Rochelle.

Dates for your Diary

March 2017

April 2017

  • Sat 1 – Friends of Northmead Parramatta Picnic
  • Sun 2 – Kids’ Spot Training seminar
  • Fri 14 – Good Friday service (9:30am)
  • Sun 15 – Resurrection Sunday service (9:30am)
  • Mon 17-Fri 21 – Forge Youth Camp
  • Sun 30 – Welcomers Training seminar

WHAC Prayer Points

  1. Praise God for all those who teach the Bible to our children on Sundays. Thank God for Nikki, Bronwynne and all the other parents and leaders who serve us in numerous children’s programs.
  2. Thank God for bringing the Muldoon and Zunica families to Winston Hills. Pray that we might be an open and welcoming church.
  3. Pray for the parents, grandparents, carers and children that come along to Tuesday Playmornings. Pray that as relationships are built with non-Christian people in this relaxed environment, that they will be interested in hearing about Jesus.
  4. Pray for 645 who have their Launch weekend away this weekend that they grow in their understanding of the Holy Spirit and evangelism as they grow in relationship with one another.
  5. Pray for our service leaders that they may serve us and lead well, putting into practise everything they were reminded of and learnt last Sunday.

Winston Hills Community News – 22nd February 2017


Genesis – The Origins of Everything


And God said to Noah, “There’s going to be a floody floody.” (Classic Sunday School Tunes ’50s-’80s)

Last Sunday we saw how the descendants of Cain are compared and contrast with the descendants of his brother Seth. Cain’s descendant Lamech boasts of his vengeful murder (4:23-24). Whereas Seth’s descendant Lamech cries out in hope that his son would bring relief from God’s judgement (5:29). And we see the extent of human sin at the beginning of Genesis 6 as mankind multiplies on the earth, but marry in a manner that continues to displease God (6:1-4).

How does God respond to this situation?

When the Lord saw that man’s wickedness was widespread on the earth and that every scheme his mind thought of was nothing but evil all the time,  the Lord regretted that He had made man on the earth,  and He was grieved in His heart. Then the Lord said, “I will wipe off from the face of the earth mankind, whom I created, together with the animals, creatures that crawl, and birds of the sky—for I regret that I made them.” (Genesis 6:5-7 HCSB)

Is there any hope for mankind? What might turn God from completely regretting his creation of man? A righteous man, Noah (Genesis 5:8).

Can I recommend reading Genesis 6-9 this week in preparation to hear what God plans and does through his Saviour.

Highly Recommended Devotional Reading

Earlier this month, copies of Peter Jensen’s Power and Promise: The Epic Journey from Adam to Abraham in Genesis 1-15 were made available to members of Winston Hills Anglican Church. Did you get a copy?


I have been using this booklet each day for my devotional time and thoroughly enjoying it. Peter’s explanation and reflections on the passages are very short yet insightful. Highly recommended!


26.02   Gen 6-9   A New Hope?

05.03   Gen 10-11   We Built This City…

12.03   Gen 12   The dawn of Justification

19.03   Gen 13-14

Updated Rosters

The rosters for March and April will be updated by the end of the week. Please keep an eye on the changes. Copies of our rosters are found on our church’s members resources page.

Winstonites Sign-In – This Sunday

When you arrive this Sunday, if you have children in the Winstonites program, could you please sign in your child when you collect your name tags? The Winstonites leaders will take responsibility and lead the children up to the program after our normal Kid’s Spot. They will meet the children just outside the hall.

Creche and Blast-off parents will continue to sign in and settle their children at that time. Some water and biscuits will be provided to the Blast-off children during their program. Blast-off parents are welcome to bring a labelled drink bottle with them if this would help settle and tie them over until morning tea (at the end).

The program in the main hall will continue immediately so we ask that parents return after signing in their children as soon as possible.

We will follow the normal practise of signing the children out at their programs when we collect them at the end.


Women’s Event: Farewell to Michelle Allen


All women are welcome to farewell and celebrate the birthday of Michelle Allen this Saturday at 7:30pm.

Where: Okori Teppinyaki (111 Parramatta Rd, Granville)

Cost: $33 (Banquet C). Please bring some extra funds if you’re ordering drinks.

All Winston Hills women are welcome. For more information, please contact Amber.

Winston Hills Beach Day – Sat 25th March


We plan to head down to the coast, gather on the beach at Mona Vale (parking around Surf Lifesaving Club on Surfview Road) from 11am on Saturday 25th March. Please bring your own drinks and picnic lunch. Of course, toss in the boogie board and swimmers. From 1:30pm we will have some organised fun together, including a mysterious man cover in something delicious!

Everyone is welcome!

Gospel Teams 2017


The goal is for all Gospel Teams to have started meeting by next week. Currently we have GTeams on the following nights:

Monday night mixed (David O, Ben B) – FULL

Tuesday night mixed (Mark G and David P)

Wednesday morning women (Amber, Jo, Rochelle, Mel)

Wednesday evening women (Simone H, Ann L)

Wednesday night mixed (David P)

Thursday night men (Mike A, Eddie)

Your new Gospel Team leaders should know who is in their groups and contact you soon.

Newcomers’ Lunch – Sunday 5th March

Have you recently arrived at Winston Hills Anglican Church? We would like to invite you to lunch to meet us, hear about our church, and hear what it means to be a member of our congregation.

Time: 12pm

Location: 102 Lanhams Rd Winston Hills, NSW 2153

For more information, please speak with Mark or Sharon.

Friends of Northmead – Managing Arthritis

The Friends of Northmead is an initiative by Third Stage Empty-Nesters at Northmead Anglican Churches who desire to meet together and who also desire to bring their non-Christian friends into their friendship networks in a non-threatening manner.


Ministry Training

During the first half of the year, we’ve planned a series of training days for all congregations. The goal is to know what we’re doing, how we’re doing it and make sure we’re serving to the best of our growing abilities. Those expected to be involved will be invited and information about these events will be made available closer to the events.

Sat 25th Feb – Music Training Day (10am-2pm at Thomas Street building)

Sun 5th Mar – Service Leaders Training afternoon (2-4pm at Thomas Street building)

Sun 2nd Apr – Kids Spot Training afternoon

Sun 30th Apr – Welcomers Training afternoon

Sat 3rd June – Leadership Team Training Day

Sun 4th June – Prayers Training afternoon

These training events are open for all members of Winston Hills. Please let Mark know if one of these is an area where you are interested in serving.

Western Sydney Region Annual Women’s Autumn Dinner


Tickets can be purchased online here for the dinner. For more information, please speak with Rochelle.

Dates for your Diary

February 2017

  • Sat 25 – Music Ministry Training

March 2017

WHAC Prayer Points

  1. Praise God for the peace we experience in Australia, which allows us to gather and know our Lord. Pray for those whose lives are surrounded by relational, spiritual or physical conflict, that they may hold onto their faith and hope in Jesus while suffering.
  2. Thank God for those who serve us every week using their musical abilities. Pray that everyone involved in music at Winston Hills will attend and value the training they receive from Ben Pakula this Saturday and encouragement from members of other congregations.
  3. Pray for those who are teaching children Scripture in public schools (Winston Hill, Winston Heights, and Northmead) as well as Model Farms High School. Pray that the children will be settled and attentive, and hear the great news about Jesus, learning to trust him in all things.
  4. Pray that the Allen family can settle quickly into the Gladesville Community, will be welcomed by the church, and be effective in proclaiming Jesus Christ in everything they say and do.
  5. Pray for the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ amongst “Third Stage Empty Nesters” at Northmead. Pray that they may have the boldness to invite friends and talk about Jesus.

Winston Hills Community News Editorial and Advertising Policy

The Editor of the Winston Hills Community News would like to inform all members of Winston Hills Anglican Church that we are open to make announcements in this weekly news column concerning plans and events for our members. If you would like to let everyone know about an up-coming Gospel Team opportunity, a birthday party, a celebration for everyone, plans to attend a wider community function, a word of encouragement, or anything that may interest our readers, please let the editor (Mark G) know.

The Community News forms the backbone of sharing information about news, events, and other things that have been encouraging us all. And rather than clog up our time together on Sundays with details of events that might be coming up, it would be fabulous if you used this resource to read about what is happening, to pray, and to mark up your diaries.

Winston Hills Community News – 16th February 2017


Genesis – The Origins of Everything


Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Genesis 4:9 NIV84)

Cain’s denial before God of the murder of his brother is one of the famous lines in Scripture. What motivated Cain to take such drastic actions? Why was God more pleased with Abel than Cain? We continue this Sunday to contemplate the extend of Adam’s sin as we look at his sons in Genesis 4. Please read the passage in advance so you will get more out of Joshua Russell’s teaching.


19.02   Gen 4-6.4   God’s Severe Mercy

26.02   Gen 6-9   A New Hope?

05.03   Gen 10-11   We Built This City…

12.03   Gen 12   The dawn of Justification

Winston Hills Leadership Teams

Over the past 2 months, I have slowly been inviting members of Winston Hills to assist me formally in organising, leading and discipling our congregation. I have given these leaders various roles and responsibilities.

The key leadership team is: David Pocknall, Ben Enviah, Stephanie Robinson and Mike Abecina. I plan to meet monthly with this team to plan, organise, and care for our members.

Each of these leaders has an assistant to help coordinate the key areas of our church life. These teams will meet only as required (e.g. Maturity team has already met to organise our Gospel Teams). These teams are:

Mission: Ben Enviah & Rusdyan Cocks

Membership: Mike Abecina & Amber Edmonds

Maturity: David Pocknall & Ben Bolitho

Meetings: Steph Robinson & David Ore

At this stage, these areas of responsibility have not been thoroughly defined. Adrian will be speaking at Winston Hills from the end of March to explain these areas of church life, and we hope you and these servants will see how our service fits within Jesus’ church.

If you have any concerns regarding our congregation, you are very welcome to contact me. Our leadership teams will start meeting from March and I can bring any topics to them for discussion.

Winston Hills Weekend Away – Postponed!

It has been decided to postpone the Winston Hills weekend away until later in the year (late October is the planned timing at this stage). This will enable us to organise this valuable time more thoroughly. We apologise to those who had made the effort to free up that weekend for this event.

Yet this doesn’t mean we will waste our time, because everyone is invited to…

Winston Hills Beach Day – Sat 25th March


We plan to head down to the coast, gather on the beach at Mona Vale (parking around Surf Lifesaving Club on Surfview Road) from 11am on Saturday 25th March. Please bring your own drinks and picnic lunch. Of course, toss in the boogie board and swimmers. From 1:30pm we will have some organised fun together, including a mysterious man cover in something delicious!

Everyone is welcome!

Gospel Teams 2017


David P, Ben B and I have been working through the Gospel Team forms that were filled out over the past two weeks, trying to place people in teams that suit everyone’s availability. This week we are trying to follow up those who had not handed in a form, so you may receive a call from one of us.

Currently we have GTeams on the following nights:

Monday night mixed (David O, Ben B) – FULL

Tuesday night mixed (Mark G)

Wednesday morning women (Amber, Jo, Rochelle, Mel)

Wednesday evening women (Simone H, Ann L)

Wednesday night mixed (David P)

Thursday night men (Mike A, Eddie)


As you can see, we do not have a weekend Gospel Team this year because we do not have the leaders to run it. We realise that a Sunday afternoon group suits some families. This is a good instance of needing to “pray to the Lord of the harvest” (Luke 10:2), that he might raise up more gospel workers who can teach and care for others.

Most new groups should be ready to start over the next two weeks. Your new Gospel Team leaders should know who is in their groups and contact you soon.

“Living with Anxiety” Conference – This Saturday


Date: Sat 18th February

Time: 2-4pm

Cost: $10 (includes afternoon tea)

RSVP: Church Office or email

Ministry Apprentice Program Night

AlexOn Monday 20th February at 7:30pm, our Ministry Apprentices will be sharing about their vision and plans for 2017. Since they are dependent on the prayers and direct financial support of individuals, we want to encourage you to attend, so that you might know their needs and hear how you might pray for them.

Since we are particularly responsible for supporting Rusdyan Cocks’ ministry amongst us this year, it will be worthwhile finding out how we as a congregation can train and equip him for a life of serving our Lord.

For more details, please see the MAP Night page.


Newcomers’ Lunch – Sunday 5th March

Have you recently arrived at Winston Hills Anglican Church? We would like to invite you to lunch to meet us, hear about our church, and hear what it means to be a member of our congregation.

Time: 12pm

Location: 102 Lanhams Rd Winston Hills, NSW 2153

For more information, please speak with Mark or Sharon.

Friends of Northmead – Managing Arthritis


Ministry Training

During the first half of the year, we’ve planned a series of training days for all congregations. The goal is to know what we’re doing, how we’re doing it and make sure we’re serving to the best of our growing abilities. Those expected to be involved will be invited and information about these events will be made available closer to the events.

Sat 25th Feb – Music Training Day (10am-2pm at Thomas Street building)

Sun 5th Mar – Service Leaders Training afternoon (2-4pm at Thomas Street building)

Sun 2nd Apr – Kids Spot Training afternoon

Sun 30th Apr – Welcomers Training afternoon

Sat 3rd June – Leaders Training Day

Sun 4th June – Prayers Training afternoon

These training events are open for all members of Winston Hills. Please let Mark know if one of these is an area where you are interested in serving.


Dates for your Diary

February 2017

  • Sat 18 – NCEA Prayer Breakfast (St Johns Parramatta 7:30am)
  • Mon 20 – MAP Supporters Night
  • Sat 25 – Music Ministry Training

March 2017

WHAC Prayer Points

  1. Pray for ourselves and those around us who still struggle with sin and its consequences, holding to the assurance of salvation through Jesus Christ. Pray for those who are grieving and mourning after having lost friends or family.
  2. Please pray that those Christians who serve us in our Gospel Teams and in our gatherings will be continually equipped and strengthened with God’s Word. Pray for the various training events in the first half of the year.
  3. Pray for those who are teaching children Scripture in public schools. Pray that the children will be settled and attentive, and hear the great news about Jesus, learning to trust him in all things.
  4. Praise God for bringing new people into our gatherings and community over the last few months. Pray that they will feel welcome and grow to know us and our Lord. Pray for our up-coming Newcomers Lunch.
  5. Pray for those who are serving us in our leadership teams, that they may serve faithful like deacons in Christ’s household, our church (1 Tim 3:8-15).