Community News
At Church this Weekend – Easter Celebrations!
What was happening on the cross, when Jesus died? What does it mean for us now?
On Good Friday we’re looking at the crucifixion of Jesus as recorded in John’s gospel (John 19:16-42). It will be a great time to think again about why Jesus died.
It’ll be a wonderful celebration, with plenty of hot cross buns. Plus it will be a shorter service, with the kids staying in with us for the whole thing.
Then on Easter Sunday we will look at the resurrection of Jesus, as we ask whether we have enough evidence to trust that Jesus did rise from the dead.
Of course, please invite everyone to come, as we reflect on the most significant days ever.
Christianity Explored
We are offering a Christianity Explored course starting either Tuesday 5th April or Wednesday 6th April (depending on which night suits people the most). So if you know someone who is interested to know more about who Jesus is and what he has achieved for us on the cross, or if you’d like to come yourself, please let me know.
AGM – Recap
Moore College Mission
From Sunday 15th – Sunday 22nd May, a team of Moore Theological College students will be joining us for the week to help us reach out to our community with the good news about Jesus. Start thinking now (especially in your Gospel Teams) about how you would like to be involved, and which friends you could invite along to hear the gospel.
We’re looking at have a number of events throughout the week: door knocking, women’s events, men’s events, youth and children’s events, dinners, gaming nights, and so on. If you want to help organise one of these, or you have a great idea for a brand new outreach event that has never been tried before then please let us know!
Stretch Night – Postponed!
Long Weekend Reading
Here’s a link to one of Don Carson’s books, on living faithfully following Christ’s resurrection.