Community News
We’ve got a new series kicking off this Sunday – it’s in the book of Hebrews and it’s about how Jesus is better than everything! Have a read of Hebrews 1 for a seek peek.
Winstonites and Endurance
This Sunday both the Endurance group and the primary Winstonites group will be in church with us – so parents please bring something to entertain them if need be.
We will still be running a program for the younger Winstonite group, and the usual creche and blastoff groups will also be running.
Winston Hills Public School Fete – review
Last Sunday we had a team of people running the drinks stall at the Winston Hills Public School fete, where we also offered everyone a church balloon and show bag.
It was a huge effort by everyone involved, but totally worth it. Big thanks!
Here are some photos:
Stretch Night – The Reformation
When Martin Luther nailed his 95 points of debate to the door of the Wittenberg Castle church, he probably did not expect to start a movement which would see an amazing rediscovery of the gospel of Jesus Christ. His primary concern was the financial gains the Roman Catholic church was making through selling indulgences which could absolve sins.
Is the Reformation over? This is what the Pope offered last year as part of their Jubilee celebrations:
My thought first of all goes to all the faithful who, whether in individual Dioceses or as pilgrims to Rome, will experience the grace of the Jubilee. I wish that the Jubilee Indulgence may reach each one as a genuine experience of God’s mercy, which comes to meet each person in the Face of the Father who welcomes and forgives, forgetting completely the sin committed. To experience and obtain the Indulgence, the faithful are called to make a brief pilgrimage to the Holy Door, open in every Cathedral or in the churches designated by the Diocesan Bishop, and in the four Papal Basilicas in Rome, as a sign of the deep desire for true conversion. (Letter of his Holiness Pope Francis According to which an Indulgence is granted to the Faithful on the Occasion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, The Vatican, 1st September 2015)
How can you be saved from sin? According to the Pope, it seems it is not just through the death of Jesus Christ. Come along and hear why that’s not right.
On Wednesday 28th September, Mike and Joshua Russell will be s t r e t c h i n g our thinking about the Reformation, it’s importance, and it’s on-going significance, especially as we engage with people who do not know the salvation that only comes through Jesus. All welcome.