Community News

At Church this Sunday


This Sunday we’ve got our second week in our new series in the book of Hebrews. It’s about how Jesus is better/greater than everything! Have a read of Hebrews 2 for a sneak peek.

Winstonites and Endurance

Once again, during the school holidays both the Endurance group and the primary Winstonites group will be in church with us – so parents please bring something to entertain them if need be.

We will still be running a program for the younger Winstonite group, and the usual creche and blastoff groups will also be running.

Stretch Night – The Reformation

On Wednesday night we had a stretch night, exploring Martin Luther and the Reformation. It was a great night, but if you missed it, all is not lost.

You can listen to the talks right here:

Talk 1 – Martin Luther and the Recovery of the Apostolic Gospel

Talk 2 – Luther’s ‘Bondage of the Will’

Talk 3 – Does the Reformation Still Matter?

ESL Info – this Sunday


At church this week we’ve got Denise Carpenter coming to fill us in on our ESL ministry!

Weekend Reading

A useful piece on making modern technology work for you!