We’d love to meet you

We have 3 services each Sunday at Northmead Anglican Church where
everyone is welcome! We really would love to help you discover the amazing
hope, joy and forgiveness that come from knowing the love of Jesus Christ.

9am Family Church
10.45am Family Church
6pm Night Church

Northmead Anglican Church

6-8 Thomas St Northmead
e: office@nac.asn.au
p: 9630 1234

Office Hours

Monday to Friday

We Believe

1. That the three persons of our one God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
are united in love and purpose to save his people and,
working in and through them, to save others.

2. That for this purpose, God the Son became the man Jesus Christ,
lived a sinless life, died on the cross in our place to bear the righteous
anger of God because of our sin and was bodily raised
from the dead and exalted to the right hand of God.

3. That the crucified and risen Jesus Christ reigns
over all as the Saviour and Lord. He will come to judge the world
and now offers forgiveness and new life to everyone.

4. That God’s climactic purpose in history is to glorify his Son
by delivering forgiven sinners out of darkness into his kingdom
and transforming them into his image; in the words of the Great Commission,
it is to see people from every nation become disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ
and learn to obey all that he has commanded;

5. That God’s chosen method for both conversion and growth is the prayerful,
Spirit-empowered speaking of the Word of the Cross—
the biblical message that centres on the penal substitutionary atonement of Jesus,
and his universal rule as the Risen Lord and Christ.

6. The Spirit empowers believers to speak the gospel message,
and drives the word of God into the hearts of the elect so that they are convicted
of it’s truth, repent of their sin and rebellion and turn to Jesus Christ for forgiveness.

Christianity Explored

Our 2020 Vision

Our Defining Reality

Our Purpose

Our Prayer

Our Strategy

How We Care

As a church, we want to love the world around us because of the great love God has shown us in sending his son to rescue us. We love to serve and give in our local area and around the world through:

  • Prayer
  • Local Evangelism
  • Anglicare Winter Appeal
  • CMS
  • Compassion Australia
  • Operation Christmas Child

We’d love to hear from you