FIVE Community News – 8th June 2016
A Better Kingdom – 2 Samuel
This Sunday we are considering 2 Samuel 6-10. That is five chapters including one of the most significant passages about God’s promises to David (2 Sam 7).
So how might you benefit more from our gatherings on Sundays when we cover such large sections of Scripture?
As a young Christian, it was once suggested to me to read the sermon passage before arriving on Sunday. At the time this didn’t make much sense to me, but it certainly transformed my understanding of what God was saying. Firstly, when I read the passage during the week, I started to digest the stories or the arguments, noticing stuff I didn’t understand. Then by the time the passage was read and explained on the Sunday, given shape and context by the speaker, I knew the details, I was more engaged with what was being said, and I understood more completely what was just a story/poem/argument earlier in the week.
On the one hand, this is just a basic process of comprehension. However, isn’t it worthwhile be passionate for comprehending what the Creator is saying?
Here is my summary of the key events in 2 Samuel 6-10, which we are considering this Sunday:
David has been anointed king over all Israel, centralising his rule in Jerusalem (Ch. 5). To centralise Israel’s worship of Yahweh, David brings Yahweh’s Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem (Ch.6). David desires to build a house for God, yet God promises to establish his Christ forever (Ch. 7). David has great success over the surrounding enemies (Ch. 8), acknowledging the victories all come from God (8:11, 14). David shows grace to Mephibosheth and Saul’s household servant, Ziba (Ch. 9). The Christ is rejected (10:1-5). David’s army has victory over all Israel’s enemies (Ch. 10).
That is a lot to take in during one talk. And we haven’t even considered what it all means for us. Consequently, why not work on your comprehension skills this week by reading the passage in advance?
Christianity Explored
After our Open Week, a Christianity Explored course has started on Thursday nights. That’s great news and a step in the direction we’ve been planning for. Surprisingly a similar course will start this Thursday for a group of mandarin speaking Chinese people. This was not expected, but we welcome the enthusiasm of new church members who want to tell their friends about Jesus.
If you would like to sit in with us to build relationships with the people in this new endeavour, please contact Mark.
KidsQuest 2016
If you have children (or grandchildren) who will get on your nerves during the July school holidays, why not dump them at KidsQuest? Well, that is my suggestion to the parents that Rochelle and I meet in the school playground. Parents are always looking for a way to entertain the children during the holidays, and we have a solution that involves telling them about Jesus!
Over the next few weeks you’ll see sign-up sheets at the back of the church hall. We are looking for people who have the time and opportunity to serve in numerous ways throughout the week. So please consider how you might be able to help at KidsQuest this year.
Building Appeal 2016
The meeting room has been renovated. “Narnia” has new access making it more functional for groups. The toilet block and temporary rooms are in the process of obtaining the development approval needed to being building. Consequently, it is time for us to raise the funds necessary to complete this work. Please prayerfully consider how you much you would be able to contribute. All electronic bank deposits should be labelled “Building Fund” as this building development is separate from our church’s working budget.
Dates for your Diary
June 2016
- Saturday 18th –
Men’s Breakfast(cancelled) - Saturday 18th – Groombridge Move: The Groombridges are moving to Baulkham Hills (17 Willow Drive) from 9am. Please come along and assist moving furniture, boxes, tools, clothes, pots, soil, wood, the chickens…
- Saturday 25th – Missionary Prayer Breakfast
July 2016
- Tuesday 12th – Friday 15th – KidsQuest
- Sunday 17th – New Series: Mark’s Gospel
- Sunday 24th – Gospel Team Leaders Training (Mark Overview by Lionel Windsor)
August 2016
- Saturday 6th – NCEA Prayer Breakfast
- Saturday 20th – FIVE Dinners
- Saturday 27th – RIDE for Refugees
FIVE Prayer Points
- Praise God for the various Christianity Explored courses which have started these last 2 weeks.
- Pray for those who are ill, mourning, or continue to struggle with ongoing sickness or life struggles. Keep those who really struggle with the colder weather in your prayers.
- Pray for our Ministry Apprentices: Rusdyan C, Samantha O, and John K. Pray that they will continue to grow in faithful dependence upon God as they serve him and his Son.
- Pray for the Wrights in Fiji, particularly for Timothy’s adoption.
- Pray for those who are travelling, that they may enjoy God’s creation, giving praise to him for everything they see and experience.