FIVE Community News – 17th May 2017
Genesis – The Origins of Everything
Then Abraham said, “Let the Lord not be angry, and I will speak one more time. Suppose 10 [righteous people] are found there?” God answered, “I will not destroy it on account of 10.” (Genesis 18:32 HCSB)
Then the angels said to Lot, “Do you have anyone else here: a son-in-law, your sons and daughters, or anyone else in the city who belongs to you? Get them out of this place, 13 for we are about to destroy this place because the outcry against its people is so great before Yahweh, that Yahweh has sent us to destroy it.” (Genesis 19:12-13 HCSB)
On Sunday we are considering the fascinating passage concerning God’s judgement on the cities of the plains, namely Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham seeks to mediate with God for any righteous people in the cities (Genesis 18:16-33). Will God relent from his judgement? On what basis will God’s judgement pass over sinners? Lot and his daughters are rescued from judgement, however the story does not end well for them. Their descendants become nations that are a continuous thorn in Israel’s side.
Please read Genesis 18:16-19:38 in preparation for Sunday.
21.05 The Sinfulness of Sodom (Genesis 18:16-19:38)
28.05 Powerful Faith in Powerful Promises (Genesis 19-22) – Communion gathering
04.06 New Series: Truths Worth Dying For – Faith Alone
11.06 Truths Worth Dying For – Grace Alone
18.06 Truths Worth Dying For – Scripture Alone
YAK Training – Saturday’s Training is Cancelled
The Youth and Children’s Training scheduled for this Saturday has unfortunately been cancelled. Jacquie and JJ will contact those who are involved with information about the change of dates.
Ministry Training
During the first half of the year, we’ve planned a series of training days for all congregations. The goal is to know what we’re doing, how we’re doing it and make sure we’re serving to the best of our growing abilities. Those expected to be involved will be invited and information about these events will be made available closer to the events.
Sun 4th June – Prayers Training afternoon
Sun 6th Aug – Bible Readers Training afternoon
Sun 3rd Sept – Sharing your Testimony training afternoon (with optional follow-up training on Sun 10th Sept)
Memory Verse of the Month
If we say, “We have no sin,” we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:8-9 (HCSB)
Northmead Winter Appeal (30th April – 21st May)
Thank you to everyone who has been generous with their time and finances this month during our Winter Appeal in gospel partnership with Anglicare. There are still opportunities to assist at the Northmead IGA and Winston Hills Mall stalls this Saturday. Please contact Mark if you’re able to help for 2 hours.
Stretch Night – The Sacraments
This month’s Stretch night on Wednesday 24th May (please note new date!) with be on the Sacraments, particularly Holy Communion. What are the Sacraments? What is happening when we share some bread and wine (aka grape juice) together or wash someone? What is Scripture describing or prescribing for us?
Location: Thomas Street building
Time: 7:30pm
This month we will be expressing our understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ through Holy Communion on Sunday 28th May.
Working Bee
Painting the inside of the church building; morning tea; fixing office building gutters; coffee break; moving a shed; morning tea; meet and smell people from other congregations; coffee break; gardening; painting; grab another coffee and muffin.
These are some of the things that are happening during our working bee – Saturday 3rd June. All help welcomed.
EQUIP Conference
EQUIP is an annual conference for women. This year it will be a day of learning and sharing and growing, as they explore the treasures in God’s word and what it looks like to follow Jesus in everyday life.
For more information, please speak with Rochelle or Sharon in the office.
Marriage Weekend Away
How would you resolve the following marriage conflict situation? [Warning: a few swear words]
Our Marriage Weekend Away from 23rd-25th June at The Retreat at Wiseman’s Ferry will be a great opportunity to remind yourselves of God’s purposes for your marriage and to re-equip your marriage to deal with such conflict situations.
To register, please grab a brochure from the back of the church. Registration closes on 9th June. Payment plans are available. For more information please contact Mark or Sharon in the office.
KidsQuest 2017
As per the last few years, KidsQuest has been an extremely fruitful opportunity to tell children the news of salvation through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Why not start considering how your children might invite their school friends along to this fun week.
You can register your children and grand-children for KidsQuest on the Northmead Anglican Churches’ website.
Please contact Jacquie if you are able to help during the week with looking after kids, morning tea, rego, organising games, making lunches for the team, skits, giving talks, organising craft, chatting with parents, running the coffee cart, prayer or any other helpful acts of service for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Ministry Opportunities
Assisting with ESL (Monday mornings)
Are you available on Monday mornings to support our ESL outreach ministry? The ESL team is looking for a few people to run the kitchen, prepare morning tea, and be available to chat with anyone who joins the program. Please contact Mark at the office or Denise Carpenter (0431 737 559) if you can help or would be willing to join a roster.
Usher and Assistance at Woodberry Village Sunday service
Because of the failing health of those that help out in welcoming people, guiding people to a seat, and so on, we need volunteers to help out. Would your Gospel Team consider this as an opportunity to reach out to the residents at Woodberry with the gospel? We are looking for 1-2 volunteers for each Sunday service whose names would be added to the roster. Please contact Don Barker if you could assist with this.
Parramatta Family & Local Court Support Group Inc
Over thirty years ago a volunteer service began at the Family and Local Courts in Parramatta, in reaction to a lack of support and positivity in places that both sought to resolve family disputes and misdemeanours of the law. An interdenominational group was formed from local churches in the area, to lend an ear, and a smiling face, and a hand of kindness by way of a cup of tea and a biscuit to those attending the Family Court and the local Court. The support group are seeking the help of people who might like to be a Rostered Volunteer about three hours a month for serving tea and coffee at either or both of the courts. Choice of day or week of the month is available ie. 3rd Tuesday. Time is usually between 9am and 12.30pm. For more information, please contact Robyn Druitt (member of FIVE congregation) or call Margaret Wigmore on Ph: (02) 9871 8492, mobile 0407 436 642 or email at
Winston Hills Wednesdays Women’s Gospel Team
The Gospel Teams for the Winston Hills women’s groups require a few people to assist care for the children while the mothers meet together. If you are able to join the roster (usually a fortnightly commitment), please speak with Rochelle or Amber.
Dates for your Diary
May 2017
- Wed 24 – Stretch Night
- Sat 27 – EQUIP Conference
June 2017
- Thurs 1 – Parish Prayer Night
- Sat 3 – Working Bee
- Sun 4 – Prayers training
- Sat 17 – Missionary Prayer Breakfast
- Fri 23- Sun25 – Marriage Weekend Away
FIVE Prayer Points
- Pray for couples, who would value some re-tuning in their marriages, that they will find the finances and time to come to our Marriage Weekend Away.
- Pray for those who have been sick, unemployed, mourning or struggling in life under many trials. Pray that they may particularly have faith to trust in Jesus through these things.
- Pray for the Santiches in New Zealand. Praise God that Renee was able to join with us on Sunday. Please continue to pray for their children.
- Pray for Jacquie and her KidsQuest leaders as they prepare for this outreach event for children in July. Pray that they may be prepared and able to coordinate all the different aspects of the week.
- Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are travelling this month that they will continue to read God’s Word regularly, pray continually, and proclaim Jesus Christ boldly with whoever they meet.