FIVE Community News – 14th April 2016
Right on the Money
Everything we have is a good gift from God, including our lives, finances and possessions. Consequently as Paul says, it should be received with thanksgiving…
For everything created by God is good, and nothing should be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving (1 Timothy 4:4 HCSB)
However we live in a world corrupted by sin. This weekend we will consider how to live godly lives, especially with our finances, in a godless world. Please read 1 Timothy 6:3-10 in preparation.
Moore College Mission
From Sunday 15th – Sunday 22nd May, a team of Moore Theological College students will be joining us for the week to assist us in proclaiming Jesus throughout our community. The theme for the week is Open Week. Just as museums, universities, schools and other organisations open their doors to show you what they’re doing, we are opening our doors to invite people to see what we are doing, and more importantly, hear what we have to say about Jesus.
Throughout the week there will be four key events for us to invite our friends and neighbours: a women’s craft night, a men’s BBQ night, a gamers night (for the young at heart and dextrous in touch), and a Street Food night (the same as the Taste for Life night in 2014). I trust your Gospel Team leaders have been chatting with you about the opportunities you have to invite your friends to these events, as well as considering together how you might serve.
At this stage, we particularly need some cooks to prepare large quantities of certain finger foods for the Street Food night. Please contact Mark G if you will be able to help.
You can download the Moore Mission timetable here.
Christianity Explored
It is often observed, that an extremely effective form of evangelism is to bring your non-Christian contacts to a course that explains the basics of Christianity. Not only are people presented with ‘the Christian message in a nutshell’, but they can ask all their questions and are then invited during the course to become Christians. No doubt many of you became Christians in such a manner.
For this reason, our church is aiming to be running these courses continuously throughout this year. We are aiming to start 2 courses shortly after the Moore Mission in May. So please consider inviting your friends and contacts to one of these courses.
For more information about the contents of the course, please look at the Christianity Explored website.
Anzac Day Event and new Men’s Gospel Team
Steve Dunlop is spearheading two new ventures to promote the gospel amongst “Third Stagers” (i.e. those whose kids have left home so they are more independent). Remember to keep Anzac Day free. More information will be coming soon. Plus Steve will contact the men about a new mid-week Gospel Team.
Help required
Are you free on a Tuesday mornings to serve the parents and grandparents at our Playgroup? The Tuesday morning Playgroup is particularly looking for helpers to setup, pack up and serve in the kitchen (all of these are light duties). If you are able to help in this key evangelistic ministry, please contact Leah McKenna.
KidsQuest 2016
Our holiday children’s program KidsQuest is on again this year from Tuesday 7th to Friday 10th July. Leah McKenna is still looking for some discussion group leaders, who sit with the children to discuss what they heard from the story each day, as well as assisting the children with craft and other activities. If you are able to serve in this area or assist another leader (i.e. crowd control), please speak with Leah McKenna.
More information regarding KidsQuest 2016 will be coming soon. Set aside the dates today so you may be able to serve.
Mark Groombridge’s Ordination
The date for Mark’s deaconing service has been set by Ivan Lee as Thursday 5th May at 7:30pm in St Johns Parramatta. All welcome. It has been requested that people refrain from taking photos on the night in consideration of compromising the Groombridge’s gospel ministry in Slovenia. Your understanding is appreciated.
Dates for Your Diary
April 2016
- Monday 25th – Anzac Day Picnic
May 2016
- Sunday 1st May – Gospel Team Leaders Teams
- Thursday 5th May – Ordination Service (St Johns Parramatta, 7:30pm)
- 15th-22nd May – Moore College Mission
- Tuesday 24th/Wednesday 25th – Christianity Explored course starts
FIVE Prayer Points
- Pray that we may be thankful for everything that God has provided us with (Gen 1; 1 Tim 4:1-5).
- Pray for those with ongoing issues with sickness, and for those who are mourning and grieving. Please pray for our Ministry Apprentice John Kim who is still recovering from pneumothorax. Pray also for Doug Edwards (nineam congregation and Woodbury chaplain). Some of the men at FIVE have been recovering from minor procedures, so please continue to pray for them.
- Pray for the Moore College Mission, particularly for our preparation and the preparation of the hearts of those who we know and can invite to the church events.
- Pray for the two girls who have started the Christianity Explored course that they may continue to attend, hear the good news about Jesus, repent and be saved.
- Please pray for the year 7-12 school students going to Forge camp next week. Pray that as they grow together as a group, that they may also grow in Christian maturity and assurance of salvation in Jesus Christ.