The gospel is the best news I’ve ever heard! That a sinner like me could be forgiven, offered new life, and a place with God forever is truly wonderful news. But although these are spectacular aspects of the gospel, the thing that makes the Christian message truly good news is the person of Jesus Christ.
Just think about it for a minute, eternal life, knowing your debt is wiped away, that you have a secure future is all a result of the person, work and future inheritance of Jesus Christ. This is because the gospel is and will always be about him. The apostle Paul summarised his ministry as ‘we preached Christ crucified’; when John saw into heaven it is Jesus he sees on the throne being worshipped and glorified in ‘heaven above and on earth below’. Both our present ministry and future inheritance revolve around us worshipping and glorifying Jesus in word and deed.
Thinking this way about the gospel should shape our evangelism, it should be at the front and centre of how and why we share the gospel. If Jesus is the end point of all human history, if his name is ‘the only name by which people can be saved,’ if he is the one who comforts, guards and guides, who gives us access to the father, if he is the one we claim to be devoted to above all else then we must tell people how great he is.
I pray that we will remember just how good the gospel is and what makes it so good, because if we do that, it may just drive us to invite someone to come and meet Jesus.
Author: Joshua Johnston
Prayer of the Day
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this desperately needed reminder that we need you. Lord, we confess that we spend so much time thinking and acting as if we were self-sufficient. Forgive us. Help us to remember that we depend on you for everything we need, whether we feel healthy or sick, whether the global economy is healthy or sick. Use this time to teach us to trust you more during good times and bad.
Father, please pour out your common grace on our world to halt this virus in its tracks. All things are possible for you, Father. And so we ask for healing for a sick world.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.