Winston Hills Anglican Church – What’s Happening This Week

At Church This Week – Revelation 14

This Sunday Mark Groombridge will be speaking to us from Revelation 14. Everyone is welcome, and we’d love to see you there.

Plus, because of our 645 congregation’s weekend away, most of our usual Winstonite leaders (plus me and my family) won’t be with us on Sunday morning. But both Winstonites and Endurance groups will still be running, but as a combined group watching a movie.

New Hall Configuration

Last Sunday we trialled a new hall configuration, and the general response has been very positive. The new setup allowed the podium to get closer to the middle of the hall, increased the seating capacity, and improved visibility from the seats towards the back. But please be prepared for us to try other possibilities.

Ways to Serve – Thanks

A big thanks to everyone who filled in a “Ways to Serve’ form on Sunday. It’s great to get this kind of information, and for those looking to explore new ways of serving, we’ll be in touch to help you do that. But if you didn’t get a chance to fill one in, you can grab a copy here and forward it back to me.

MAP Update Night – Coming Soon

Weekend Reading

After the horrific deaths of 21 Coptic Christians, and to follow on from last week’s article, here’s a second article that helpfully tries to explain what’s going on.

Upcoming Events

Meeting Leader Training 15th March

Formal Communion 29th March