FIVE Community News – 9th March 2016

Easter Series – John 18-21


In the weeks leading up to Easter, we’re looking at the events after Jesus’ final Passover meal with his disciples until he is reunited with them after his resurrection. These events are recorded from the eyewitness perspective of the Apostle John. What were Jesus’ concerns during his passion? How does John explain the reasons for Jesus’ death and what were the various peoples’ responses to what was happening?

If you have friends and neighbours who do not understand the significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection, then please consider inviting them to this series.

We will be distributing flyers concerning both the new times for our Sunday gatherings as well as this Easter series over the coming weeks. Please pick up a few bundles from the back of the church to distribute over the next 2 weeks.

Picnic by the Lake


It was a great gathering of FIVE members beside Lake Parramatta last Saturday. Under the shade of the trees, we have great conversation, shared many lovely treats, and a few people even got a little wet (when they ventured too close to the edge of the lake).

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FIVE Weekend Away


This year’s theme for our weekend away is The Path of Discipleship. Mark Fairhurstwill be leading us through Jesus’ teaching from Luke 9-12. What does it mean to follow Jesus, especially as he heads towards the cross and then glory? What are the dangers and obstacles we face as his disciples as we walk the same path?

All the information about our weekend away can be found in the brochure (download here). At this stage we are able to sponsor 2-3 people to attend, so if you are unable to afford the cost of the entire weekend please talk to Mark Groombridge, Jann, Carol, Steve or Andrew.

Matthew Small’s Wedding – This Saturday

Belinda and Matt 2015-12-26 (4)

This Saturday 12th March at 2:30pm, Matthew Small will be marrying Belinda, who you may have met when they came to FIVE last year. The wedding will be held at Windsor District Baptist Church (739 George Street, South Windsor). Everyone is welcome.


On Wednesday 23rd March, we are having our annual General Meeting. If you would like to nominate someone to be a parish councillor, warden, or parish nominator, please speak with both the person you’d like to nominate as well as with Adrian Russell.

There will be an opportunity to discuss the budget on Monday 21st March.

Stretch Nights 2016


Our Stretch Nights give us an opportunity to stretch our minds and understanding through discussing and considering Christian issues from a biblical and theological perspective. This year the plan is to consider issues such as human sexuality and social justice.

Our first Stretch Night is Tuesday 5th April. Consider coming with your Gospel Team. More information coming soon.

Safe Ministry Training

If you missed our Safe Ministry Training events this week, you still have the opportunity to do the training…

  • Youthworks run Safe Ministry  Saturday 12th March. This is being run by an outside organisation and is not free. For details and to book, see this website:

Dates for your Diary

March 2016

  • Saturday 19th March – Mission Prayer Breakfast
  • Monday 21st March – Budget discussion
  • Wednesday 23rd March – AGM
  • 25th-27th March – Easter

April 2016

  • 1st-3rd April – FIVE Weekend Away. There will be no FIVE gathering on Sunday 3rd April.
  • 5th April – Stretch Night

FIVE Prayers

Throughout this week please pray for:

  • Matthew and Belinda as they begin a new stage of life together from Saturday
  • NAC pastoral staff who will be away together from Tuesday – Thursday next week for planning, preparation and encouragement
  • Pray for those who are sick, suffering or mourning. Continue to pray for Ellayne Hillier.
  • Pray for our FIVE Weekend Away, that everyone will come and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.
  • Pray through the issues and themes we discovered as we read through Peter’s first epistle

Reading Corner

I do not know if Murray Campbell would share in our faith in Jesus Christ, but he has some compelling Observations and Questions about ‘Safe Schools’. As we observed in 1 Peter, our arguments are that the behaviour being discouraged (bullying) and encouraged (acceptance of LGBTI practises) should flow from our acceptance that Christ suffered in the flesh. Murray Campbell provides us with some further secular thoughts worthwhile considering if you find yourself discussing these things with your friends.