Community News

At Church this Sunday


This week we’ll be challenged to think about why we still need a high priest, and why Jesus is better than those under the old covenant.

Plus we’ll thinking about how we can serve next year….

Ways to Serve


We’ll take some time this Sunday to fill out some Ways to Serve Forms. It’ll be a chance to think about how you’d like to serve our church family in 2017. We’ll also screen a couple of videos that will tell us what some of the tasks involve.

Big Day In


This year at our ‘Big Day In’ we’re gathering with all the other congregations to express our unity and celebrate our great God. It’s a day of great Bible teaching, fellowship and prayer as well as a chance to look forward to ministry plans for next year and beyond. Kids’ and youth program provided on the day.

Operation Christmas Child



Each year Samaritan’s Purse delivers shoebox gifts packed by caring people like you to hurting children around the world.

Now we ran out of boxes on Sunday – but we’ll have more this week! Remember that they need to be filled and returned to church by the 4th of November. 

Weekend Reading

Possibly the best article I’ve ever linked to 🙂