Community News
This Sunday we’re jumping into our second week in the gospel of Mark. We’ll be looking at Mark 1:16-45, plus we’ll be thinking about how the whole book fits together.
But if you have a couple of hours this Sunday afternoon, and you can’t wait for the rest of the series then please come along to hear…
Lionel Windsor on Mark’s Gospel
Lionel is a lecturer at Moore College, and he’ll be taking our Gospel Team Leaders through Mark’s Gospel this Sunday from 1-3pm at the Thomas Street building. But everyone is welcome, so please come along. Here’s an outline of what he is going to cover.
KidsQuest 2016 – Recap
KidsQuest was a fantastic week. We had 92 registered kids, who didn’t just come once, but kept coming back. A big answer to prayer!
Plus a big thanks to everyone who helped out, in both big and small ways. It takes so many people so many hours to make something like this work, and so thanks so much!
Leah and James
If you haven’t already heard the good news, Leah gave birth to Finn Michael McKenna earlier this week. Please give thanks to God for this precious gift, and please do pray for the family as they adjust to life with a newborn.