Community News
At Church this Weekend – John 21
We are offering a Christianity Explored course starting either Tuesday 5th April or Wednesday 6th April (depending on which night suits people the most). So if you know someone who is interested to know more about who Jesus is and what he has achieved for us on the cross, or if you’d like to come yourself, please let me know.
Moore College Mission
From Sunday 15th – Sunday 22nd May, a team of Moore Theological College students will be joining us for the week to help us reach out to our community with the good news about Jesus. Start thinking now (especially in your Gospel Teams) about how you would like to be involved, and which friends you could invite along to hear the gospel.
We’re looking at having a number of events throughout the week: door knocking, women’s events, men’s events, youth and children’s events, dinners, gaming nights, and so on. If you want to help organise one of these, or you have a great idea for a brand new outreach event that has never been tried before then please let us know!
Gospel Team Outreach
It was a few weeks ago now, but here’s a photo from one of the events that our gospel team leaders served at. It’s the St Luke’s preschool family night, where we handed out balloons and gift bags, served coffee, and invited people to join us at church on Sunday. It was a great event and we’re looking forward to more in the future.
The Boardroom and Pancakes
This year we’ll be making a few changes to our mens’ and women’ monthly catchup nights. We’re now running a gospel team on Wednesday nights, so many of us can no longer make our monthly Boardroom or Pancakes meetings.
So instead, the men will be switching to the men’s BBQ mornings that happen every couple of months, while the women will also be working on their women-only events every few months. But stay tuned for more news…
Stretch Night – Postponed!
Long Weekend Reading
After celebrating Easter, here’s a nice article that begins like this:
Many detractors of the Christian message claim that the four accounts of Jesus’ resurrection contain discrepancies that are irreconcilable and so fatal to the Gospels’ authenticity and truth. Contrary to these claims, the extraordinary events of that amazing day can be told in a clear and simple account.