Community News

At Church this Week


This Sunday we’ll be continuing our ‘Immortal/Mortal’ series in the book of 1 Peter. So if possible, please have a read of 1 Peter 4 before Sunday.

Gospel Teams

A big thanks to everyone who returned a Gospel Team availability form last Sunday – we’re now working on forming teams, and you will hear more about which group we’re hoping you’ll join next week.

But what have our Gospel Team leaders been doing in the lead up to the start of our groups? They’ve been meeting in small groups on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday nights for Bible study, prayer, and training, before we start our regular Gospel Teams early in March.

A large portion of the training has involved considering how to work together to proclaim Jesus Christ to those in our community who do not know him. Some groups are going to talk with the parents of the children who attend our afternoon kids activities. One group has been out door-knocking on Sundays. Other groups will be meeting with parents from St Luke’s Pre-school.

So what that means for your Gospel Team this year, is that your Gospel Team leader will discuss possible serving and outreach opportunities for your team. Hopefully you’ll be able to plan for some achievable events which are suitable for reaching out to your non-Christian family and friends.



On Sunday we heard about our youth group (4GYC) – and I had a chance to head along last Friday. It was really great to see God growing his people through this ministry.

Weekend Reading

You may have seen this one already, but ‘In defence of the Archbishop (and why the Bible isn’t sexist)’.