15/4/2020 – I am the Way

Prayer of the Day

Great God,

Please be with church leaders making big decisions that will affect so many of your people and their fellowship together. Please give them wisdom on how to best listen to governing authorities and to respect the directions that are given, while still caring for one another and prioritising the need to encourage one another as we see the day of Christ drawing near.

Wherever regular gatherings are interrupted, please provide ways for your people to stay connected to one another, and please strengthen us to care for one another in creative and genuine ways. Please be especially gracious to those who are already lonely and who may feel particularly isolated during the weeks ahead.

Loving heavenly Father, at a time of great need, please pour out your saving grace on our world and bring people into your kingdom in an extraordinary way. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

14/4/2020 – The Best News I’ve Ever Heard


The gospel is the best news I’ve ever heard! That a sinner like me could be forgiven, offered new life, and a place with God forever is truly wonderful news. But although these are spectacular aspects of the gospel, the thing that makes the Christian message truly good news is the person of Jesus Christ. 
Just think about it for a minute, eternal life, knowing your debt is wiped away, that you have a secure future is all a result of the person, work and future inheritance of Jesus Christ. This is because the gospel is and will always be about him. The apostle Paul summarised his ministry as ‘we preached Christ crucified’; when John saw into heaven it is Jesus he sees on the throne being worshipped and glorified in ‘heaven above and on earth below’. Both our present ministry and future inheritance revolve around us worshipping and glorifying Jesus in word and deed. 
Thinking this way about the gospel should shape our evangelism, it should be at the front and centre of how and why we share the gospel. If Jesus is the end point of all human history, if his name is ‘the only name by which people can be saved,’ if he is the one who comforts, guards and guides, who gives us access to the father, if he is the one we claim to be devoted to above all else then we must tell people how great he is. 
I pray that we will remember just how good the gospel is and what makes it so good, because if we do that, it may just drive us to invite someone to come and meet Jesus. 
Author: Joshua Johnston

Prayer of the Day

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for this desperately needed reminder that we need you. Lord, we confess that we spend so much time thinking and acting as if we were self-sufficient. Forgive us. Help us to remember that we depend on you for everything we need, whether we feel healthy or sick, whether the global economy is healthy or sick. Use this time to teach us to trust you more during good times and bad.

Father, please pour out your common grace on our world to halt this virus in its tracks. All things are possible for you, Father. And so we ask for healing for a sick world.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

13/4/2020 – The Good Shepherd

Prayer of the Day

Heavenly Father, we praise you as the sovereign Lord of the universe. We praise you that, to you, the nations of the world are like a drop in a bucket and like the dust on the scales. We are so thankful to know that you own the cattle on a thousand hills, and that nothing is too hard for you. We thank you that you care for us—that you number even the hairs of our head, and that all the days ordained for us were written in your book before any of them happened.

We thank you that you can be trusted. And we do trust you.

Help us to trust you more. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

11/4/2020 – Idolatry


Idolatry takes many forms. It could be a sacred object, a car, sport or even family and when someone is challenged about their idols their reaction shows the depths of their idolatry.

One of the greatest tragedies in Israel’s history is that they abandoned their God and chased after other gods instead. Sadly, this wasn’t a once-off and momentary lapse. It happened repeatedly.

The language that Jeremiah uses to describe this sin is devastating. God says, ‘You have played the prostitute with many lovers’ (Jeremiah 3.1). God says to Israel, ‘For My people have committed a double evil: They have abandoned Me, the fountain of living water, and dug cisterns for themselves, cracked cisterns that cannot hold water.’ (Jeremiah 2.13)

In other words, the things that they traded for God – they could not bring fulfilment. The problem for us is we so often do the same thing. We should be enjoying the source of all fulfilment, but too often we find ourselves seeking fulfilment elsewhere. And we know all too well, from our own experience, that these things never feel us up – be it the pay rise, the new car, the dream husband or wife – pretty soon they’re just not enough.

In John 4 Jesus meets a Samaritan women at a well in the middle of the day. She’s a religious and social outcast, but Jesus reaches out to her and asks for a drink. The women is shocked and can’t fathom that he would do such a thing.

But Jesus says to her, ‘If you knew the gift of God, and who is saying to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would ask Him, and He would give you living water”. (John 4.10) Jesus identifies himself with the God of Jeremiah who is living water and can end our spiritual thirst.

Jesus wants us to find our satisfaction in him and not in the broken dried up cisterns of this world. Career, relationships, material things – all good, but they can never quench our deepest thirst. Instead we need to come to Jesus and understand that the spring of living water himself went thirsty so that we would never have to thirst again.

Author: Joshua Johnston



9/4/2020 – Money can’t buy…


‘No amount of money ever bought a second of time.’

This week I thought it would be a wise decision to subscribe to Disney Plus so that I could finally watch ‘Avengers Endgame’. While I use the word ‘wise’ in an extremely loose sense, in the preceding statement. There was a lot I liked about the movie. Tony Stark’s one liners never seem to disappoint. One that I appreciated and have been thinking about, particularly in our current situation is, ‘No amount of money ever bought a second of time.’

While money can not buy us time, it does seem that a pandemic can for most. Listening to the media and talking to people from church, the first thing we seem to want to do is fill our time back up with tasks and new hobbies, with little to no consultation with God.

What would your new found time look like if you were to first consider passages such as Mark 13:32-33 “Now concerning that day or hour no one knows—neither the angels in heaven nor the Son —but only the Father.“ Watch! Be alert! For you don’t know when the time is coming. When speaking about the present time, the bible always refers to using it in light of eternity.

So instead of packing our time with new tasks and hobbies, would it not be better to use it to set our priorities and better equip ourselves with things that have its fruits growing in eternity?

Matt Borg

Prayer of the Day

Heavenly Father,

We give you thanks for your comfort and assurance during this COVID-19 crisis. Thank you that the government has implemented restrictions that appear to be working. We pray that we will adhere to the restrictions and not become complacent.

We thank you Father that you are with us and reminding us each day of your blessings and goodness. Above all, we praise you for Jesus – for the wonderful sacrifice on the Cross. Because of his death and resurrection, we are redeemed, and he has conquered death. Death has lost its sting and we have no fear of death. We live in the secured hope of eternity with you, O Lord.

To You be all glory, honour and praise. Amen.

8/4/2020 – Bible Easter Eggs

Prayer of the Day

Almighty God,

We give you thanks for you are our Good Shepherd. You look after us and give us our daily provisions.

We pray for those who are affected by the economic downturn. In their difficult circumstances, we pray that they will trust you. We praise you for our security in the hope we have in Christ. While our worldly comforts and securities may be threatened, we have the ultimate assurance and security in you.

Help us draw confidence from you and to trust you to look after our needs. Help us to hand all our anxieties and worries to you and let your peace which surpasses all understanding rule our hearts and minds.

You are with us and your rod and staff comfort us. Surely your goodness and mercy will be with us and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


6/4/2020 – Mental Health During COVID-19


Mental Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed our lives. This is after the drought, bushfires and floods. All these would have taken significant tolls on our lives. The pandemic threatens our lives and livelihood. The restrictions placed on our lives are devastating. We are created in the image of God and created for relationships.

Social isolation and loneliness are harmful to our physical and mental health. We must be alert to the effects of isolation on ourselves, our families and friends. Remind ourselves that we are not going through this crisis by ourselves. God is with us. His Word gives us lots of assurances of his presence with us (Psalm 23; Isa. 40:28ff; Jer. 33:3f; John 10:10ff; Rom. 8:38f; Phil. 2:5ff).

Gospel Teams are great to make sure that we are not completely isolated. Technology allows us to catch up virtually – a phone call or a video call. Heb. 10:24 encourages all of us to “watch out for one another to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24-25).

The COVID-19 crisis has disrupted our routines tremendously. We need to develop some form of routines in our lives. For example, if you’re working at home, wake up at your usual time instead of sleeping in. Use the time that you would be catching the train or driving to work to simply walk around the block for physical exercise. Get a walking buddy to walk together and to motivate each other. Remember to observe social distancing!

Don’t be just cooped up in the house or your room – go for a walk; get some fresh air. Don’t just binge-watch Netflix – read the Bible, read Christian books. If you don’t know what to read, ring the church office and staff can recommend books for you. A few suggestions:

  • A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller
  • Side by Side – Walking with Others in Wisdom and Love by Edward T. Welch
  • God’s Big Picture – a Bible Overview by Vaughan Roberts

No one call tell us how long this crisis will last. The uncertainties can cause fear and anxieties. Paul, in Phil. 4:6, exhorts us to trust God and instead of being anxious and worrying, he tells us to pray and to orientate our minds to God. God’s peace, which surpasses all understanding will guard our minds and hearts in Christ Jesus. Even if we don’t know how to pray, Rom. 8:26ff gives us comfort and confidence that the Holy Spirit himself will intercede for us and he understands our groaning, pains, fears and anxieties. How great is our Sovereign God!!

Trust God and seek refuge and comfort under his wings (Isa. 40: 28-31). The poem, ‘Footprints in the Sand’, reminds us of God’s presence with us, especially when we feel we’re struggling with life by ourselves. Psalm 127 is a great psalm of assurance of God’s presence. It encourages us not to look down and see only our helplessness but to lift our eyes and see the glory of God around us. He is a shelter right by our side.

If you’re struggling with mental health, visit http://www.mentalhealthinstitute.org.au/. Talk to someone – a friend or call the church office to talk to a minister. We are in this together and by God’s grace, we’ll get through together.

Author: Peter Chin

P.S. Here is a helpful resource about ‘Coping with Isolation’ from our friends at Bluebird Psychology’ 

Prayer of the Day

Our Great God,

We pray for our leaders, for our Prime Minister, Scott Morrison. We give you thanks that he is your faithful servant and has been redeemed by your grace. We pray for wisdom and strength as he leads the nation. We pray for his cabinet, the State premiers and all who have responsibilities to guide our nation through this crisis.

Close to home, we give you thanks for Adrian’s leadership. Guide him as he leads his ministry team. We also pray for our Congregation leadership teams and Gospel Team leaders. Strengthen them and grant them rest. May you enrich them with your wisdom as they lead us.

We pray for each other in Northmead Anglican, that we may care for each other. Help us to be bold to share your gospel of life in Jesus to our families and our neighbours.



5/4/2020 – Ready for Action

Prayer of the Day

Heavenly Father,

We give you thanks for you are the Sovereign God. All things exist because of you. We know that we can confidently come to you in prayer because you promised to hear our prayers.

Amidst our fears and anxieties during this COVID-19 crisis, we pray that the fears not overwhelm us but to remember to seek you and to see you in all your glory.

Comfort those who are struggling with the social isolation. Surround them with your peace and your presence. Help us to encourage and care for one another.

We don’t know how long this pandemic will last. But we know that you are in control and in charge. We pray for your mercy and healing that vaccines may be successfully developed.

Keep us strong in our trust in you for you are the alone certainty during these times.

In Jesus name we pray.


4/4/2020 – Christ’s Return


Christ’s Return

I love end of world movies: Armageddon, The Day After Tomorrow, 2012. But I wonder how often we think about the end of the world and how what comes next effects our lives in the present? As Christians we know that Jesus promises that he will return like a thief in the night, Paul echo’s this sentiment in 1 Thessalonians, reminding us that people will say we have “peace and security,” then suddenly Christ will return and end our best laid plans.

And I wonder how much you’ve thought about Jesus’ return this week? As the world spirals out of control and all the news coming our way is bad, how has Christ’s certain and glorious return effected what you do and how you do it? How does knowing that Jesus could return any day, at any hour and at any minute change how you do, what you do? 

It’s an important question to keep asking ourselves and there is so much that could be said about how our we should live in light of our future with Jesus, but I’m constantly drawn back to Peter’s words in his first letter: now the end of all things is near, so maintain an intense love for each other, since love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4.7-8).

Does knowing the end of the world is coming make you earnestly care for your christian brother and sister? To be hospitable and serving and sharing? Love that shows itself in generosity that doesn’t complain? Love that goes beyond the conversations over morning tea? So this week keep your love at full strength, because the end is near and it’s 2,000 years nearer than when Peter wrote his letter.

Author: Joshua Johnston 

Prayer of the Day

Sovereign Lord, you alone are the hope and healer of your people. You have promised us the hope of a world where there will be no more sorrow, sickness, or dying. Comfort and heal, merciful Lord, all who are in sorrow, need, sickness, or any other trouble.

By Jesus death and resurrection you have set your people free from both the penalty of sin and the fear of death. Give us a firm trust in your goodness, and bring us into the joy of the bodily resurrection, and the fulfilment of all your precious promises. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

3/4/2020 – Partners in Prayer


Partners in Prayer

I can assure you all that your ministry team here at Northmead are working really hard for you right now. They always do, but even more now, in these new and weird circumstances, they are praying and contacting and leading and planning and proclaiming their hearts out.

It’s been really hard, because as ministers the greatest desire is always to be with people and share God’s word, as well as share lives and friendship with them. The team is feeling a sense of disconnection and lostness, wondering how to lead and shepherd and care for you all at this time. There’s also a steep learning curve of technology and what will and won’t be helpful and what will and won’t honour Jesus as an expression of church.

But the team is devoted to Jesus more than ever, focused on the message of the cross, and working with his strength to be a blessing to you all.

Even as I assure you of this effort, I am conscious that at the same time I am more and more aware of your partnership in this, and extremely thankful to God for it. I know that so many people are praying for our church right now, and praying in particular for the pastors and staff of Northmead. It’s a real joy to keep getting messages of encouragement and support, messages of thanks to God and ongoing prayers.

More than ever we all need each other right now and I love this expression of partnership together. Our church community and our serving the Lord together is not about one group of people responsible for everything and another group consuming a product. We’re all in this together.

Paul speaks of this partnership several times in his letters, showing that real partnership in the gospel is often expressed through prayer.

In our passage this Sunday he’s conscious that he will be saved through the prayers of the Philippians and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1. 19). Even as he prays for them in vv9-11, they are also praying for him, because as he had said before they are partners with him in grace and in his imprisonment and defence of the gospel. Separated by vast distance and the walls and bars of a prison, they are still united in sharing and partnering in the gospel.

Paul also describes this partnership of prayer when he writes in Romans 15.30 “Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, through our Lord Jesus Christ and through the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in prayers to God on my behalf.”

Paul invites his brothers and sisters in Christ to join him in his work, and strive together with him through prayer. Again, they are apart physically, but in Christ

by his Spirit and expressed through prayerful dependence on God, they are partners together.

This is true for us and we thank God for you and for our partnership together!

Author: Adrian Russell

Prayer of the Day

Dear Loving Father

You are the loving God of all the nations and peoples on this earth.  Please look with mercy and compassion on all you have created. This day we ask for your help. Please deliver us from the coronavirus and limit its impact on Australia and the world. In your mercy bring a swift end to this crisis.Please protect with your loving care those we love- our families, friends and neighbours. Let your fatherly hand guide, shelter and strengthen them.Cast out all anxious fears and doubts.

Give us an increasing trust in you and fill our hearts and minds with your peace. We pray for those around the world now struggling with COVID-19. Heal and comfort those who are sick and suffering. Protect and guide the health professionals who are at the front line.Please give wisdom and courage to those who bear responsibility for confronting this challenge. We ask these things through the powerful name of Jesus, Amen