645 Community News (6.4.17)


1. Evangellyfish

Our Men’s and Women’s events are on tonight. We will be kicking off our series in 2 Timothy focusing on being Evangelicals with backbone!

Evangellyfish 1

Date: Tonight!

Time: 7.30pm

Cost: $10 for dinner.

RSVP: Guys: https://www.facebook.com/events/1282791748502217/

Girls: https://www.facebook.com/events/991446104325095/

2. Doorknocking

In the lead up to Easter, we have an opportunity to reach out and share the gospel with our neighbours (2 Timothy 1:7).




Parish Map

Date: Sunday, April 9th (This Sunday)

Time: 1pm (Training), 1.30pm (Doorknocking)

Cost: Free

3. Good Friday & Easter

Easter is a great opportunity to share the gospel with our neighbours and networks. Lots of people are willing to come to church at Easter who wouldn’t normally consider it. So come along, and take the opportunity to invite your friends and family.



 Apr 14th (GF) & 16th (ED)

Time: 9.30am (GF) & 6.45pm (ED)

Cost: Free

4. Christianity Explored

Christianity Explored is a great opportunity to find out about who Jesus is, why he came and what it means to follow him. It’s especially designed for people who are not that familiar with the Christian message. Think about who you can be inviting, and start talking to them now.


Date: Tues, May 2nd (for 6 Weeks)

Time: 7.30pm


RSVP: Let us know via your connection card.

5. 645 Training

At 645 we want to go hard at training each other for a lifetime of serving Christ and his people. That’s why we’re putting on two training courses next term to give people an opportunity to train intensively in a particular area of the Christian life and ministry. Everyone’s welcome.


645 Training

Date: Sun, May 7th (for 6 Weeks)

Time: 5-6pm

Course Options:

1) How to read (and understand) the bible – Josh R

2) How to share the gospel (using two ways to live) – John K

RSVP: Let us know via your connection card.

6. Giving Generously

This is just a reminder to think about how much you’rer giving to church. Remember, Jesus is less concerned about how much you give, more concerned about how much you hold back. We want everyone at 645 to be giving as generously as they can to gospel work – both so that the gospel work at Northmead can continue and because giving is good for those who give (Acts 20:35).

Giving Apples

Date: Today.

Time: Right now!

Cost: $

Giving Details:

Account Name: Northmead Anglican Church
BSB: 062 279
Account No.: 1008 2734

Please indicate that you attend 645 & your name (optional).