Winston Hills Community News – 3rd May 2017


Genesis – The Origins of Everything


Abram believed the Lord, and He credited it to him as righteousness. (Genesis 15:6 HCSB)

This weekend we’re returning to the book of Genesis, picking up the story of Abram after he has defeated the kings of the plains, rescued Lot, and been blessed by Melchizedek, the King of Salem (Genesis 14). How has Abram experienced the fulfilment of God’s promises to him (Genesis 12:1-3)? Abram had certainly become rich in livestock and financially (13:1). Yet how will he become a great nation and receive the land?

Please read Genesis 15-17 in preparation for Sunday.


07.05   The Cutting of the Covenant (Genesis 15-17)

14.05   The Miracle of Motherhood (Genesis 18) – Mothers’ Day

21.05   The Sinfulness of Sodom (Genesis 19)

28.05   Powerful Faith in Powerful Promises (Genesis 19-22) – Communion gathering

04.06   New Series: Truths Worth Dying For

Ministry Training

During the first half of the year, we’ve planned a series of training days for all congregations. The goal is to know what we’re doing, how we’re doing it and make sure we’re serving to the best of our growing abilities. Those expected to be involved will be invited and information about these events will be made available closer to the events.

Sun 4th June – Prayers Training afternoon

Sun 6th Aug – Bible Readers Training afternoon

Sun 3rd Sept – Sharing your Testimony training afternoon (with optional follow-up training on Sun 10th Sept)

Northmead Winter Appeal (30th April – 21st May)


During the month of May, Northmead Anglican Churches are partnering with Anglicare to offer a helping hand to those in our community in need. We are calling on everyone in our parish to give generously from what God has generously given to us (2 Cor 8:8-9; Gal 2:10). And we will go into our local community and shopping centres to ask people to give towards Anglicare’s Winter Appeal.

There are three key areas you and your Gospel Team can be involved:

  1. Donations from Northmead Anglican Churches’ members (Sun 30th April – Sun 14th May) – Over two weeks, members of our congregations are invited to provide food, clothing, and blankets towards Anglicare’s Winter Appeal. Bring your items to the church and place them in the Winter Appeal buckets.
  2. Donations from Letterbox appeal postcards (Round 1: Sat 6th – Sun 14th May; Round 2: Sat 13th – Sun 21st May) – On the first weekend you place a Northmead Winter Appeal postcard in letterboxes in certain streets of Northmead and Winston Hills. The following weekend you knock on those doors with members of your Gospel Team and say you’re collecting food (as listed on the Appeal postcard) for the Winter Appeal. We will have Thank-you Packs for everyone (see below).
  3. Donations from Northmead and Winston Hills shoppers (Round 1: 11-13 May; Round 2: 18-20 May) – We plan to have tables set up outside a few shops in Northmead and Winston Hills. The tables will be decorated with Anglicare’s banners. Members of Gospel Teams or groups of friends are rostered to stand behind the tables, giving a Winter Appeal Shopping Lists to shoppers, inviting them to contribute certain food items towards Anglicare’s Winter Appeal. Those who contribute towards the appeal are given a Thank-you Pack.

The Thank-you Packs will contain advertising material from Anglicare, information about Northmead Anglican Churches, an evangelistic tract, and other goodies like a lolly. As we meet with people in our community we can promote Anglicare, ourselves, as well as the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Anglicare is asking if we would be able to provide:

  • pasta & pasta sauce
  • chunky soup
  • tuna & salmon
  • cereal
  • long-life milk
  • toothpaste & toothbrushes
  • soap & deodorant
  • small jars of olive oil
  • blankets & warm clothes

Where do we go from here?

  • Start considering how you might contribute towards the Winter Appeal (bring your gift to church this Sunday or drop them off at the church office)
  • Discuss with your Gospel Team how you would like to serve
  • Gather a few friends and set a time to sit behind the table outside the shops
  • Sign-up using the forms at the back of the church
  • Inform the office if you’re available to prepare the Thank-You packs (prep day is Tuesday 9th May)

For more information, please contact Mark Groombridge.

NCEA Prayer Breakfast

Please join us at the Thomas Street building on Saturday 13th May at 7:30am to hear about the work of God’s gospel in our local high schools and to pray for God to grow his people through the work of NCEA.

Stretch Night – The Sacraments


This month’s Stretch night on Wednesday 24th May (please note new date!) with be on the Sacraments, particularly Holy Communion. What are the Sacraments? What is happening when we share some bread and wine (aka grape juice) together or wash someone? What is Scripture describing or prescribing for us?

Location: Thomas Street building

Time: 7:30pm

This month we will be expressing our understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ through Holy Communion on Sunday 28th May.

EQUIP Conference

EQUIP is an annual conference for women. This year it will be a day of learning and sharing and growing, as they explore the treasures in God’s word and what it looks like to follow Jesus in everyday life.

For more information, please speak with Rochelle or Sharon.


Marriage Weekend Away

How would you resolve the following marriage conflict situation?

Our Marriage Weekend Away from 23rd-25th June at The Retreat at Wiseman’s Ferry will be a great opportunity to remind yourselves of God’s purposes for your marriage and to re-equip your marriage to deal with such conflict situations.

To register, please grab a brochure from the back of the church. Registration closes on 9th June. For more information please contact Mark or Sharon in the office.

Ministry Opportunities

Assisting with ESL (Monday mornings)

Are you available on Monday mornings to support our ESL outreach ministry? The ESL team is looking for a few people to run the kitchen, prepare morning tea, and be available to chat with anyone who joins the program. Please contact Mark at the office or Denise Carpenter (0431 737 559) if you can help or would be willing to join a roster.

Usher and Assistance at Woodberry Village Sunday service

Because of the failing health of those that help out in welcoming people, guiding people to a seat, and so on, we need volunteers to help out. Would your Gospel Team consider this as an opportunity to reach out to the residents at Woodberry with the gospel? We are looking for 1-2 volunteers for each Sunday service whose names would be added to the roster. Please contact Don Barker if you could assist with this.

Parramatta Family & Local Court Support Group Inc

Over thirty years ago a volunteer service began at the Family and Local Courts in Parramatta, in reaction to a lack of support and positivity in places that both sought to resolve family disputes and misdemeanours of the law. An interdenominational group was formed from local churches in the area, to lend an ear, and a smiling face, and a hand of kindness by way of a cup of tea and a biscuit to those attending the Family Court and the local Court. The support group are seeking the help of people who might like to be a Rostered Volunteer about three hours a month for serving tea and coffee at either or both of the courts. Choice of day or week of the month is available ie. 3rd  Tuesday. Time is usually between 9am and 12.30pm. For more information, please contact Robyn Druitt (member of FIVE congregation) or call Margaret Wigmore on Ph: (02) 9871 8492, mobile 0407 436 642 or email at

Winston Hills Wednesdays Women’s Gospel Team

The Gospel Teams for the Winston Hills women’s groups require a few people to assist care for the children while the mothers meet together. If you are able to join the roster (usually a fortnightly commitment), please speak with Rochelle or Amber.

Dates for your Diary

May 2017

  • Fri 5–Sun 7 – e11even Weekend Away
  • Sat 13 – NCEA Prayer Breakfast (NAC)
  • Sun 14 – Mothers’ Day
  • Sat 20 – Youth and Children Training Day
  • Wed 24  – Stretch Night
  • Sat 27 – EQUIP Conference

June 2017

  • Thurs 1 – Parish Prayer Night
  • Sun 3 – Prayers training
  • Sun 11 – WHAC Lunch (more details coming soon)
  • Sat 17 – Missionary Prayer Breakfast
  • Fri 23- Sun25 – Marriage Weekend Away

Winston Hills Prayer Points

  1. Pray for the Northmead e11even am congregation as they are heading away together this weekend. Pray that they may grow in love and service of God and his gospel concerning Jesus, as well as in love and service of one another.
  2. Pray for those who have been sick, unemployed, mourning or struggling in life under many trials. Pray that they may particularly have faith to trust in Jesus through these things.
  3. Pray for the Snowdons in Spain. Pray for Mike as he proclaims Christ in high schools and on university campuses.
  4. Pray for the married couples in our congregation that they will reflect the self-sacrificial service of Jesus Christ in their relationship with one another (Ephesians 5). Pray for those couples who desire to go on the marriage weekend away, that they will be willing to make sacrifices to meet the cost, that they may be wise and blessed, and able to listen to one another.
  5. Pray that God may give us wisdom and grace as we consider how we gather together next year, expecting to be unable to continue using the classrooms for our children’s ministries.

The Reading Room

On Sunday, we briefly considered how God’s purpose for our lives is to serve one another in the context of spiritual opposition (Ephesians 6:10-22). Paul’s advice to Christians is to equip ourselves with the news of Jesus Christ.

The challenge from a church leadership perspective is to answer the question: How? How can we equip you with the gospel of Jesus Christ so that you will be able to stand firm in your faith? The follow-up question is how do we equip different people, facing different challenges in different stages of life?

Last year Rory Shiner wrote a very helpful article ‘We need to talk about church scheduling‘. He helps us understand these differences, then makes some helpful suggestions how we might schedule and plan appropriately.

I trust you find it helpful to know that our church leadership are not unaware of the daily challenges you may be facing, nor ignorant of the impact that a marriage weekend has on your finances. Rather, they are trying to be wise in how to prepare you for eternal glory.